
Research Projects 2015

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012



Project Leader & Members

Project Title

Funding sources / Fund Scheme

Project duration

Chong Ving Ching

Ingression and feeding habits of fish community of Kuala Selangor coastal mudflats, Malaysia

Japan International Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)

2012 - 2017

Chong Ving Ching

Elucidating the environmental - aquaculture interactions in cockle culture tidal flats, Selangor & Perak, Malaysia

Japan International Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)

2011 - 2015

Hanafi Hussin

Mapping research for the safeguarding of ICH in the Asia-Pacific Region: survey on the cases of ICH safeguarding researches in the Asia-Pacific region

International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region (IRCI)

20/5/2015 - 31/3/2016

Lee Choon Weng, Bong Chui Wei & Yvan Bettarel

Ecology of coral viruses in three contrasting reef ecosystems of South East Asia (EIRINA)

BIO-Asia Selection Committee

2015 - 2016

Lim Po Teen & Nurul Aini Kamaruddin

POGO NANO SEA Project: Eutrophication In Coastal Waters Of Southeast Asia: Monitoring And Capacity Building

Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans

Feb 2015 – Feb 2016

Phang Siew Moi

Integrating algal biophotovoltaics for bioelectricity production with agro-industrial wastewater remediation using tropical algae

University of Cambridge (IF007-2015)

1/4/2015 - 31/3/2016

Phang Siew Moi

Establishing baseline parameters for application in life cycle analysis of algae biofuel production under tropical conditions

Office of Naval Research Global Scientific Project (IF001-2014)

2/1/2014 - 1/11/2015

Phang Siew Moi

Um-qub research collaboration on the biotechnological application oif selected tropical and temperate seaweeds:

1. Evaluation of anti-diabetic potential in Malaysian seaweeds

2. Genetic transformation of Chondrus, a commercial seaweed


1/8/2011 - 31/12/2015



Project Leader & Members

Project Title

Funding sources / Fund Scheme

Project duration

Phang Siew Moi

Improvement of biomass and lipid productivity of Malaysia microalgae

Aerospace Malaysia Innovation Centre (AMIC)    PV001-2013

1/4/2013 - 31/3/2016



Project Leader & Members

Project Title

Funding sources / Fund Scheme

Project duration

Azizan Abu Samah

Improving weather nowcasting and forecasting capability of the Malaysian Meteorological Department through comprehensive case studies of heavy/extreme rainfall episodes in east coast of Peninsular Malaysia during November And December 2014 of the northeast monsoon

TRGS - Ministry of Education (TR001A-2015)

1/4/2014 - 31/12/2015

Azizan Abu Samah

Flagship Program                                                          1. An integrated approach; microbes and respond to climate change                                            2. Diversity and adaptation of microbes: across latitudinal study                                                                                            3. Connectivity between equatorial and polar regions: from global warming to environmental and microbial community changes


24/10/2014 - 24/10/2017

Azizan Abu Samah

Teleconnection between equatorial and polar climatic variability


24/10/2014 - 24/10/2017

Azizan Abu Samah

Ramalan cuaca ekstrim dan banjir

Higher Ministry of Education (IOES-2014B)

1/12/2014 - 30/11/2017

Azizan Abu Samah

Sumber, emisi dan pengangkutan dinamik bahan surih kimia dan aerosol di rantau Asia-Pacific

Higher Ministry of Education (IOES-2014A)

1/12/2014 - 30/11/2017

Azizan Abu Samah & Sheeba Nettukandy Chenoli (NARC)

Influences and impact of southwest monsoon on Malaysian weather and climate and its variabilities in response to global warming



15/5/2013 - 14/5/2016

Bong Chui Wei

Investigation of anthropogenic effects (agriculture and aquaculture) on microbial pathogen dynamics in coastal waters for prediction, management &  mitigation: Monsoonal impacts on waterbone pathogens from river to ocean

Ministry of Higher Education (IOES-2014E)

1/12/2014 - 30/11/2017

Bong Chui Wei, Lee Choon Weng & Chai Lay Ching (ISB)

Quantifying and development of risk assessment model for antibiotic residue in malaysia aquatic ecosystem

Science Fund


1/10/2013 - 30/11/2015

Emienour Muzalina Mustafa

Use of oxidative stress enzymes in algae as biomarkers for monitoring stress in the polar regions

Yayasan Penyelidikan Antartika Sultan Mizan (YPASM)

1/12/2013 - 30/11/2016

Lee Choon Weng

Investigation of anthropogenic effects (agriculture & aquaculture) on microbial pathogen dynamics in coastal waters for prediction, management & mitigation: Changes in air-ocean CO2 fluxes in relation to anthropogenic effects

Ministry of Higher Education (IOES-2014D)

1/12/2014 - 30/11/2017

Lim Phaik Eem

Genomic responses of microalgae to climate changes across a global gradient

National Antarctic Flagship Project, MOSTI

27/1/2015 - 31/1/2018

Lim Phaik Eem

Tindakbalas & pengubahsuaian mikrob terhadap perubahan atmosfera berdasarkan latitub: perbandingan tindakbalas dan penyesuaian alga antartika dan tropika yang disebabkan oleh perubahan suhu udara lautan dan UVR

Ministry of Higher Education (IOES-2014D)

1/12/2014 - 30/11/2017

Lim Phaik Eem & Yong Hoi Sen (ISB)

Molecular phylogenetics and systematics

Ministry of Education

2012 – 31 Dec 2015

Lim Po Teen

Understanding HAB dynamics under a changing environment for prediction, management & mitigation

Ministry of Education (IOES-2014C)

1/12/2014 - 30/11/2017

Lim Po Teen

Isolation and characterization of unique metal-respiring bacteria from coastal marine environments of the east of peninsular malaysia

Program Rakan Penyelidikan RACE (CR002-2015)

26/1/2015 - 25/1/2018

Lim Po Teen & Leaw Chui Pin

What triggers the initiation of Pyrodinium bloom on the coast of Pahang? An offshore field investigation along Kuantan coast

MOSTI ScienceFund (04-01-03-SF1011)

Nov 2014 – Nov 2016

Lim Po Teen & Leaw Chui Pin

Investigating mechanisms underlying population and community dynamics of benthic harmful algal bloom (BHAB) species in two distinct Malaysian coral reef ecosystems

MOSTI-ScienceFund (SF017-2014)

1/11/2014 - 31/10/2016

Lim Po Teen & Leaw Chui Pin

Comparative study of HABs dynamics in two Malaysian coastal embayments

Ministry of Education

Jan 2014 – Dis 2015

Loo Poh Leong

POME-BAC for commercial production of aquaculture feed and high value fish


2013 - 2015

Phang Siew Moi

UM Algae


4/5/2015 - 3/5/2016

Phang Siew Moi

Geran Sanjungan Penyelidikan MO011-2014

Ministry of Higher Education (MO011-2014)

27/1/2014 - 31/12/2016

Phang Siew Moi

Geran Sanjungan Penyelidikan MO017-2014

Ministry of Higher Education (MO017-2014)

27/1/2014 - 31/12/2015

Phang Siew Moi

IOES HICoE : Air-ocean-land interaction

Ministry of Higher Education (IOES-2014)

1/12/2014 - 30/11/2017

Siti Aisah Alias

Soil extracellular enzyme from fungi and its response to temperature: a cross laltitudinal study


20/11/2014 - 30/11/2017

Siti Aisah Alias

Perbandingan tindakbalas dan penyesuaian kulat Antartika dan Tropika yang disebabkan oleh perubahan suhu udara-lautan dan UVR

Ministry of Higher Education (IOES-2014G)

1/12/2014 - 30/11/2017



Project Leader & Members

Project Title

Funding sources / Fund Scheme

Project duration

Azizan Abu Samah

Microbial responses to global change and the connectivity between tropical and polar environment



1/7/2012 - 30/6/2016

Azizan Abu Samah

Numerical study of dynamical and physical changes in the tropical South China Sea due to the monsoons and its impacts on primary productivity


17/4/2015 - 31/12/2015

Azizan Abu Samah & Phang Siew Moi

Demonstration of a pilot network of sensors for atmospheric chemistry studies in Malaysia



1/5/2013 - 1/5/2015

Azizan Abu Samah & Sheeba Nettukandy Chenoli (NARC)

Impact of the southward shift of the southern hemisphere tropospheric jet on the atmospheric and oceanic states in the equatorial South China Sea in response to climate change


1/5/2013 - 31/12/2015

Azizan Abu Samah, Siti Aisah Alias & Anna Tutsilawati Komarudin

Knowledge management


1/5/2013 - 1/9/2015

Bong Chui Wei

Detection of selected antibiotic residues in Malaysian marine aquaculture and the potential public health risk



30/4/2014 - 29/4/2015

Bong Chui Wei

Monsoonal impacts on waterbone pathogens from river to ocean


17/4/2014 - 31/12/2015

Chew Li Lee

Anthropogenic warming and zooplankton community in tropical coastal waters


2013 - 2016

Chong Ving Ching & Louisa Ponnampalam

Investigating the interactions between coastal cetaceans and fisheries in the matang mangrove forest reserve and adjacent coastal water Perak, Peninsular Malaysia-towards mutual sustainability


1/5/2013 - 30/4/2015

Chong Ving Ching, Lee Choon Weng, Chew Li Lee & A. Sasekumar

Feeding biology of estuarine copepods in tropical mangrove estuaries


2012 - 2015

Chong Ving Ching, Loh Kar Hoe, A. Sasekumar (ISB), Sarinder Kaur Dhillon (ISB), Chang Chih-Wei

Study of Malaysian fish otoliths


2014 - 2016

Hanafi bin Hussin, Hanizah Idris (Faculy of Art and Social and Social Science), Mohammad Raduan Arif & Dr Nazli Aziz (UMT)

Ocean governance and coastal community geopolitics & culture east coast of Malaysia : coastal intangible heritage (food), policy and implementation


May 2014 – April 2017

Hanafi bin Hussin,Mohamad Raduan Mohd Afif & MCM Santamaria (University of Philippines)

Ocean governance and costal community geopolitics & culture: documenting local knowledge for enhancement of the livelihoods


1/5/2013 - 30/4/2015

Hanafi Hussin & Mary George

A study of the traditional and non-traditional security proliferations in the insian ocean with particular emphasis on search, rescue and recovery and humanitarian assistance at sea


May 2014 – April 2017

Lee Choon Weng

Investing the productivity of an upwelling zone in northern straits of Malacca


2014 - 2017

Lim Phaik Eem

Molecular phylogenetics and systematics of mangrove red algae


May 2014 – April 2017

Lim Phaik Eem

Comparison of transciptomics profiling between polar and tropics microalgae in response to the effect of uv radiation stress


1/5/2013 - 1/6/2016

Lim Po Teen & Leaw Chui Pin

Phytoplankton community dynamic at aquaculture sites of east coast of Peninsula Malaysia, with emphasis on HABs species 

University of Malaya (RU006A-2014)

30/4/2014 - 29/4/2015

Lim Po Teen & Leaw Chui Pin

Development of selected molecular platform for the simultaneous detection of multiple harmful algal blooms species

University of Malaya (RU006B-2014)

30/4/2014 - 29/4./2015

Lim Po Teen & Leaw Chui Pin

Culture collection of Harmful Microalgae in BMRS: a source of culture provision and knowledgebase transfer

UM BKP (BK013-2014)

9/4/2014 - 9/9/2015

Loh Kar Hoe & Amy Then Yee Hui (ISB)

Fish Study in the Straits of Malacca


19/4/2014 - 31/7/2015

Mark Andrew Freeman

Microparasites Kudoa and Glugea transmit between farmed and wild fish species in Malaysia


1/5/2014 - 30/4/2015

Mark Andrew Freeman

Alveolates of the coral holobiont


1/3/2013 - 28/2/2015

Meor Hakif Amir Hassan

Towards a tropical climate, coastal facies model: sediment facies composition, distribution and their relationship to bedform geomorphology, vegetation and sediment discharge in tidally influenced settings


1/5/2014 - 1/4/2017

Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria & Azizan Abu Samah

Environment forensics investigation for the understanding of distribution, source and transport of persistent and volatile organic pollutants in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia

University of Malaya (RU009I-2015)

17/4/2015 - 31/12/2015

Mohammed Rizman Idid

Biofouling Cnidarians on natural and artificial structures associated with marine aquaculture and transportation


30/4/2014 - 30/10/2015

Norma Yusoff (ISB) & A. Sasekumar

Bark-dwelling arachnofauna assemblages in the mangrove and inland forests of Bachok district


1/5/2013 - 1/5/2015

Phang Siew Moi



2/1/2014 - 30/4/2016

Phang Siew Moi

Halocarbon emission by tropical marine algae


17/4/2015 - 31/12/2015

Phang Siew Moi

Knowledge Management


17/4/2015 - 31/12/2015

Phang Siew Moi

Knowledge Management


30/4/2014 - 31/12/2015

Phang Siew Moi

Air-ocean-land interaction


17/4/2015 - 31/7/2016

Phang Siew Moi

Development of offshore and onshore systems for cultivation of selected seaweeds

Grand Challenge-SBS (Equitable Society) (GC002B-15SBS)

1/6/2015 - 31/5/2016

Phang Siew Moi & Chong Ving Ching

Knowledge Management


1/5/2013 - 31/12/2015

Phang Siew Moi & Yeong Hui Yin

Isolation and selection of Malaysian Thraustochytrids, a potential feedstock for lipid and aquaculture feed production


1/5/2013 - 30/4/2015

Phang Siew Moi, Lim Phaik Eem,  Mark A Ragan (University of Queensland), Chan Cheong Xin (University of Queensland)

The use of phylogenomics to understand evolution and environmental adaptation of chlorella isolates from different latitudes

UMRP (RG205-13SUS)

14/1/2013 - 31/5/2015

Roslan Hashim

Carbon analysis on sediment and vegetation in selected mangrove habitats

Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - SUS (Sustainability Science)

01/05/2013 - 01/06/2016

Roslan Hashim

Landfill leachate pollution and associated soil bioremediation

Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - SUS (Sustainability Science)

01/07/2014 - 01/07/2016

Roslan Hashim

Coastal protection using eco-technologies



Siti Aisah Alias

Diversity and importance of fungal mangrove disease

University of Malaya (RU006H-2014)

30/4/2014 - 29/4/2015

Siti Aisah Alias & Abiramy A/P Krishnan @ Ramasamy

Temperature sensitivity and characteristics of fungal hydrolase enzymes from soils microfungi across Antartic, Arctic, temperate and tropical regions

University of Malaya (PG041-2013A)

9/6/2013 - 9/5/2016

Siti Aisah Alias & Khalijah Awang (UM)

Soil mycota diversity from maritime and continental antarctic and their secondary metabolites as an adaptation to extreme environment

University of Malaya (RP002D-13SUS)

1/5/2013 - 1/6/2016

Siti Aisah Alias, Khalijah Awang & Ka Lai Pang (NTOU, Taiwan)

Isolation and structural elucidation of antimicrobial compounds from saprophytic and endophytic marine fungi of peninsular Malaysia through bioassay guided fractionation of secondary metabolite extracts

University of Malaya (RG203-12SUS)

30/12/2015 - 15/7/2015

Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences
C308, Institute for Advanced Studies Building,
Universiti Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur,

Tel: (+603) 7967 4640 / 6995
Fax: (+603) 7967 6994
Email: admin.ioes@um.edu.my

Office Hours 
Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Sat, Sun and Public Holidays: Closed