
Research Projects 2013

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012


Project Owner Project Title Start Date End Date
1______ A. Sasekumar Community structure of the Jeram Polychaete reef and trophic connections to inshore fishes and shorebirds 1/9/11 28/2/14
2 A. Sasekumar trophic connections to inshore fishes and Jeram Polychaete Reed (Sustainable fisheries) 1/5/13 30/4/14
3 Azizan bin Abu Samah Impacts of Air-Sea interaction over the equatorial South China Sea during the northeast monsoon on marine activites and resources in the Malaysian coastal and continental shelf waters 1/1/12 31/12/13
4 Azizan bin Abu Samah Influences and impact of Southwest monsoon on Malaysia weather and climate and its variabilities in response to global warming 15/5/13 14/5/16
5 Azizan bin Abu Samah Impact of the southward shift of the southern hemisphere tropospheric jet on the atmospheric and oceanic states in the equatorial South China Sea in response to climate change 1/5/13 31/12/13
6 Bong Chui Wei Investigation of selected antibiotics residues in marine aquaculture sites in Penisular Malaysia and the potential public health risk 15/5/13 14/5/15
7 Bong Chui Wei Effects of acidification on marine microbial diversity and proteases, Principal Investigator(PI) 30/12/12 30/12/13
8 Bong Chui Wei Quantifying and development of risk assessment model for antibiotic residue in Malaysia aquatic ecosystem, Principal Investigator (PI) 1/10/13 30/11/15
9 Bong Chui Wei Facilitating taxonomy, systematics, genomics and bar-coding of indigenous marine species, Principal Investigator(PI) 1/10/13 30/9/14
10 Chong Ving Ching Feeding ecology and behavior of seahorses in Malaysia waters 1/5/13 31/12/13
11 Chong Ving Ching/Prof. Vikinewary S. /Dr Loo Poh Leong Microheterotrophic transformation of palm oil mill effluents (POME) into single cell protein (SCP) and single cell oil (SCO) and their application as aquaculture feed 2012 2014
12 Francisco Perlas Dumanig Religious and national identities of Filipino Muslims in Malaysia 2/11/12 2/11/13
13 Hanafi bin Hussin Documenting local knowledge for enhancement of the livelihoods 1/5/13 30/4/14
14 Hanizah binti Idris Kesan kemelesetan ekonomi ke atas sektor pelabuhan di rantau Asia Tenggara 20/5/13 20/5/14
15 Lee Choon Weng Development of an ecological model of Aphytoplankton blooming a tropical estuary 1/1/12 31/12/13
16 Lee Choon Weng Investigating phosphorus limitation in aquatic habitats 1/5/13 30/4/14
17 Lee Choon Weng Development of an ecological model of a phytoplankton bloom in a tropical estuary Jan 2012 Dec 2013
18 Lee Choon Weng Investigating primary productivity in Tropical Coastal Waters, Principal Investigator 2011 2013
19 Lim Phaik Eem The use of phylogenomics to understand evolution and environmental adaptation of chlorella isolates from different latitudes 14/1/13 14/1/14
20 Lim Phaik Eem Comparison of transciptomics profiling between polar and tropics microalgae in response to the effect of UV radiation stress 1/5/13 30/4/14
21 Lim Phaik Eem Molecular Phylogenetics and Systematics of Crustose Brown Seaweeds Oct 2011 Oct 2013
22 Lim Phaik Eem Application of DNABarcoding Markers for Commercially Important Seaweeds in Malaysia (Rhodophyta  and Paheophyceae) Jan 2012 Dec 2013
23 Lim Phaik Eem Phylogenetics and Morphological Studies on Red Parasitic Algae of Gracilariaceae 2012 2014
24 Loo Poh Leong Characterization and culture of marine bacteria and yeasts as fish and invertebrate food 1/5/13 30/4/14
25 Louisa Ponnampalam Distribution, abundance and conservation of finless porpoise and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in the Langkawi Archipelago 2010 2012
26 Mark Andrew Freeman Microparasites kuduo and glugea transmit between barmed and wild fish species in Malaysia 1/5/13 30/4/14
27 Mary Mathews A/P Mundakamannil K Mathews An analysis of the legal and environmental implications of IMO’S MARPOL ANNEX VI and IMO’S market based mechanism to control exhaust emissions from shipping in Malaysian ocean coastal and communities 1/5/13 30/4/14
28 Mhd Radzi bin Abas The South China Sea as a source of VSLS Halocarbons: Formation mechanisms and fluxes to the marine boundary layer 1/6/13 31/5/15
29 Mohammed Rizman bin Idid Multigene phylogeny and diversity study of marine fungi 1/4/12 31/3/14
30 Mohammed Rizman bin Idid Ecology of Scyphozoan jellyfish in Klang Straits and adjacent waters 1/5/11 30/4/14
31 Mohammed Rizman bin Idid, Siti Aisah bt Hj. Alias, Ka-Lai Pang Multigene Phylogeny and Diversity Study of Marine Fungi Apr 12 Mar 14
32 Norma binti Che Yusoff Freshwater infestations with water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) and their parasitism and predation effects on dragonflies and mosquitoes 24/4/13 24/4/14
33 Norma binti Che Yusoff Bark-dwelling arachnofauna assemblages in the mangrove and inland forest of Bachok district 1/5/13 30/4/14
34 Phang Siew Moi BIOENERGY FORM ALGAE 12/2/11 28/2/14
35 Phang Siew Moi The effect of ocean acidification and temperature change on halocarbon emissions by tropical seaweeds 14/1/13 14/1/14
36 Phang Siew Moi Knowledge management 1/5/13 30/4/14
37 Phang Siew Moi Bioenergy from Algae 2011 2013
38 Phang Siew Moi Industrial use of marine algae for bioethanolproduction Jan 12 Dec 13
39 Phang Siew Moi Biotechnological Applications of Selected Tropical and Temperate Seaweeds 2011 2014
40 Phang Siew Moi and Prof. Datin Dr. Aishah Salleh Seaweed mass production for pulp and bioethanol : A new industry for Malaysia 2010 2013
41 Chong Ving Ching Elucidation Trophic Energy Flow in a Mangrove Estuary Using Stable Isotopes and Lipid Tracers 2012 2014
42 Phang Siew Moi Halocarbon Production by tropical seaweeds 2012 2014
43 Ranga Rao Ambati Enhancement of Astaxanthin (pigment) production in microalgae chlorococcum 1/5/13 30/4/14
44 Roslan Hashim Coastal protection and rehabilitation using eco-engineering technologies 2012 2015
45 Rozainah binti Mohamad Zakaria Carbon analysis on sediment and vegetation in selected mangrove habitats 1/5/13 30/4/14
46 Rozainah M. Zakaria, Dr. Pozi Millow A comparative study on biomass and carbon pool between a natural and degrading mangrove forest in Malaysia. 2012 2013
47 Yeong Hui Yin Isolation and selection of Malaysian Thraustochytrids, a potential feedstock for lipid and aquaculture feed production 1/5/13 30/4/14
48 Yeong Hui Yin Micropropagation of selected economically important Malaysian seaweeds for production of quality clonal planting materials Jan 12 Dec 13


Project Owner Project Title Start Date End Date
1_____ Chong Ving Ching Ingression and feeding habits of fish community of Kuala Selangor coastal mudflats, Malaysia. 2012 2017
2 Dag Klaveness, Prof. Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi, Dr. Mark Freeman, Dr. David Bass, Dr. Hakon Hansen X-cell parasites: an emerging threat to marine fish 2012 2014
3 Hanafi bin Hussin Literary exchange, research and publication between Korea and other Asian countries 2012 2013
4 Louisa Shobhini Ponnampalam The abundance and conservation management of cetaceans in Langkawi, Malaysia 2012 2014
5 Phang Siew Moi IOES-NERC International opportunities fund 1/1/13 31/12/14
6 Phang Siew Moi Improvement of biomass and lipid productivity in Malaysian microalgae 1/4/13 31/3/16

Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences
C308, Institute for Advanced Studies Building,
Universiti Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur,

Tel: (+603) 7967 4640 / 6995
Fax: (+603) 7967 6994
Email: admin.ioes@um.edu.my

Office Hours 
Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Sat, Sun and Public Holidays: Closed