
Research Projects 2012

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012


Project Owner Project Title Start Date End Date
1_____ Azizan Abu Samah Teleconnection Between Equatorial and Polar Climatic Variability 2011 2012
2 Chong Ving Ching Commercialising POME-BAC for Aquaculture 2011 2012
3 Chong Ving Ching/Prof. Vikinewary S. /Dr Loo Poh Leong Microheterotrophic transformation of palm oil mill effluents (POME) into single cell protein (SCP) and single cell oil (SCO) and their application as aquaculture feed 2012 2014
4 Hanafi Hussin Rekonstruksi Seni Persembahan Istana Jalur Kewarisanan Johor, Buton: Tari Istana Kerajaan melayu Wolio di Barata Kolincusu 2011 2012
5 Hanafi Hussin Miscommunication between Malaysian Employers and Foreign Domestic Helpers 2011 2012
6 Hanafi Hussin Environmental Changes and Impact on the Continuity of Cultural Practices: A Case Study on the Sama Bajau and Sama Dilaut in the Coastal Maritime Areas of Sabah and Southern Philippines (Perubahan Persekitan dan Impak Terhadap Keberterusan Amalan Budaya: Kajian Kes Komuniti Sama bajau dan Sama Dilaut Persisir dan Maritim Sabah dan Selatan Filipina) 2011 2012
7 Hanafi Hussin Instilling Moral Values Through Sabah's Kadazandusun Oral Tradition 2012
8 Hanizah Idris Penglibatan dan Permasalahan Bot-Bot “Illegal” dalam Ekonomi Maritim di Laut Sulawesi dan Laut Sulu Apr 2009 2012
9 Krishanan A/L Maniam Co-investigators: Professor Dato’ Dr. Mohammad Raduan Mohd Ariff, Dr. Thirunaukarasu Subramaniam Displacement, Rural-Urban migration and Social, Economic and Political Consequences among Indian Minority in Malaysia 1/6/11 31/5/12
10 Lee Choon Weng Development of an ecological model of a phytoplankton bloom in a tropical estuary Jan 2012 Dec 2013
11 Lee Choon Weng Investigating Coral-Associated Bacterial Assemblages 2011 2012
12 Lee Choon Weng Investigating primary productivity in Tropical Coastal Waters, Principal Investigator 2011 2013
13 Lim Phaik Eem Molecular Phylogenetics and Systematics of Crustose Brown Seaweeds Oct 2011 Oct 2013
14 Lim Phaik Eem Application of DNABarcoding Markers for Commercially Important Seaweeds in Malaysia (Rhodophyta  and Paheophyceae) Jan 2012 Dec 2013
15 Lim Phaik Eem Phylogenetics and Morphological Studies on Red Parasitic Algae of Gracilariaceae 2012 2014
16 Lim Phaik Eem(Project Leader), Prof. Dr.Phang Siew Moi Identification of the seaweeds species for aquaculture using molecular approach – Kapphaphycus and Eucheuma 2010 2012
17 Louisa Ponnampalam Distribution, abundance and conservation of finless porpoise and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in the Langkawi Archipelago 2010 2012
18 Mark Andrew Freeman The macroevolution of Marine microeukaryotes 1/8/10 31/7/12
19 Mhd Radzi Abas Identification and characterization of polycyclic aromatic compounds (Pacs) in soil and sediments 15/4/10 14/4/12
20 Mohammad Raduan Mohd Ariff Co-investigators: Associate Professor Dr. Hanafi Hussinr Pengkulturan Rumpai Laut Sebagai Langkah Menghapuskan Kemiskinan: Kajian Perbandingan di antara Filipina, Indonesia dan Malaysia 1/12/11 30/11/12
21 Mohammed Rizman bin Idid, Siti Aisah bt Hj. Alias, Ka-Lai Pang Multigene Phylogeny and Diversity Study of Marine Fungi Apr 2012 Mar 2014
22 Mohammed Rizman Idid Ecology of Scyphozoan Jellyfish in Klang Straits and Adjacent Waters 2011 2012
23 Nicolas Weber Co-investigators: Associate Professor Dr. Hanafi Hussin, Dr. Mala Rajo Sathian Minorities in Southeast Asia: Struggles for Political and religiocultural Identity 15/1/12 24/1/13
24 Phang Siew Moi Halocarbon Production By Marine Algae 1/4/09 31/3/12
25 Phang Siew Moi Bioenergy from Algae 2011 2013
26 Phang Siew Moi Industrial use of marine algae for bioethanolproduction Jan 2012 Dec 2013
27 Phang Siew Moi (Project Investigator) Biotechnological Applications of Selected Tropical and Temperate Seaweeds: 2011 2014
28 Phang Siew Moi and Prof. Datin Dr. Aishah Salleh Seaweed mass production for pulp and bioethanol : A new industry for Malaysia 2011 2013
29 Prof. Chong Ving Ching Elucidation Trophic Energy Flow in a Mangrove Estuary Using Stable Isotopes and Lipid Tracers 2012 2014
30 Rodney C. Jubilado Co-investigator: Associate Professor Dr. Hanafi Hussin Border Ethnicities: The Bajau Diaspora 15/9/11 14/9/12
31 Roslan Hashim Coastal protection and rehabilitation using eco-engineering technologies 2012 2015
32 Rozainah M. Zakaria, Dr. Pozi Millow A comparative study on biomass and carbon pool between a natural and degrading mangrove forest in Malaysia. 2012 2013
33 Stefano Draisma Phylogeography of Seaweeds in the Indo- Malay region 2010 2012
34 Yeong Hui Yin Micropropagation of selected economically important Malaysian seaweeds for production of quality clonal planting materials Jan 2012 Dec 2013
35 Yuen Yeong Shyan (Project leader), Dr Mohammed Rizman Idid Symbiodinium diversity associated with scleractinian corals in Peninsular Malaysia 2012 2013
36 Zubaidah Ismail The development of vibration-based damage detection methods in frame structure using group theory approach 2010 2012


Project Owner Project Title Start Date End Date
1_____ Azizan Abu Samah Stratospheric Ozone: Halogen Impacts in a Varying Atmosphere (SHIVA) 2010 2012
2 Chong Ving Ching Ingression and feeding habits of fish community of Kuala Selangor coastal mudflats, Malaysia. 2012 2017
3 Dag Klaveness, Prof. Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi, Dr. Mark Freeman, Dr. David Bass, Dr. Hakon Hansen X-cell parasites: an emerging threat to marine fish 2012 2014
4 Hanafi Hussin Literary exchange, research and publication between Korea and other Asian countries 2012 2013

Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences
C308, Institute for Advanced Studies Building,
Universiti Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur,

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Email: admin.ioes@um.edu.my

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Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 5.30pm
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