
FIO-UM JCMST Activities

Research collaboration project Occurrence and Abundance of Microplastic in Malaysia Marine Water
On-going project

The occurrence of microplastics in aquatic environments has prompted public concerns, hence a joint collaboration between Prof. Sun Chenjun, FIO and Prof. Dr Lim Phaik Eem, IOES on this aspect was initiated in the year 2020. The first sampling trips on this project was conducted in Cape Rachado, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia on 20-21 August 2020. In the sampling trips, the seawater and zooplankton samples were collected on 20 August 2020 at Teluk Kamang, Cape Rachado and Pantai Intan respectively by trawling bongo net equipped with the flowmeter. Coral, fish, sediment, and seawater samples were also collected on 21 August 2020 at Cape Rachado. 

Expected Outcomes
The microplastics studies in Malaysia are not well developed and abundant yet, especially in the coral reef ecosystem. Therefore, this study aims to collect the baseline data of microplastics abundance in the coral reef ecosystem which involved seawater, sediment, zooplankton, seaweed, fish and coral. The shape, size, colour, and polymer composition of microplastics collected from the study sites will be identified and tabulated. The effects of monsoon season on the abundance and distribution of microplastics of coral reef ecosystem is expected to find out in this study. Besides, the presence of trophic transfer of microplastics between the organisms (e.g. from zooplankton to fish) in the coral reef ecosystem is expected to be seen throughout this study as well.

Research collaboration project: Meteorology-oceanography (Met-ocean) buoy deployment
On-going project

The Met-ocean buoy deployment at the South China Sea of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia was a joint venture between Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), UM, Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) and First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), MNR. The Met-ocean buoy has successfully deployed on 24 June 2018 at South China Sea of East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia with the GPS location of 104° 12.513’E, 5° 50.621’N. The real-time meteorological data, including sea temperature and salinity profile at the South China Sea have been collected every 30 minutes interval continuously since June 2018. 
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dato’ Dr. Azizan Abu Samah (IOES, UM)
1.    Dr Wee Cheah (IOES, UM)
2.    Dr Mohd Fadzil Firdzaus Mohd Nor (IOES, UM)
3.    Dr Sivaprasad P. (IOES, UM)

A total of 5 joint publication with FIO collaborator were published:-
•    Zu, Y., Sun, S., Zhao, W., Li, P., Liu, B., Yue, F. & Abu Samah, A. (2019). Seasonal characteristics and formation mechanism of the thermohaline structure of mesoscale eddy in the South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(4):29-38
•    Sun, S., Fang, Y., Zu, Y., Liu, B., Tana & Abu Samah, A. (2019). Seasonal Characteristics of Mesoscale Coupling between the Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Speed in the South China Sea. Journal of Climate. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0392.1
•    Mohd Nor, M.F.F., Chenoli, S.N., Abu Samah, A., Mohyeddin, N., Fang, Y. & Mohd Akhir, M.F. (2019). Tropical Storm Pabuk: Its Formation, Evolution and Impact Based on Metocean Buoy Data. 16th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosceinces Society, 28 Jul - 2 Aug 2019, Singapore (AS28-D4-PM2-311-003 | AS28-A022)
•    Sun, S., Fang, Y., Zu, Y., Liu, B., Tana & Abu Samah, A. (2020). Seasonal Characteristics of Mesoscale Coupling between the Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Speed in the South China Sea. Journal of Climate. 33(2):625-638
•    Sivaprasad, P., Abu Samah, A., Babu, C.A., Fang, Y., Mohd Nor, M.F.F., Chenoli, S.N., Cheah, W. & Ahmad Mazuki, M.Y. (2020). Simulation of the atmospheric parameters during passage of a tropical storm over the South China Sea: a comparison with MetOcean buoy and ERA-Interim data. Meteorological Applications, 27:e1895

Training on Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
Venue First Institute of Oceanography, Qingdao, China
Date 2 - 6 Dec 2019

The main objective of the training was to learn how to install and operate the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) that FIO has customised for the South China Sea. In the five days of training, the participants were exposed to the introduction of ROMS and Fortran, a programming language from ROMS. 
1.    Dr Cheah Wee (University of Malaya)
2.    Dr Mohd Fadzil Firdzaus bin Mohd Nor (University of Malaya)
3.    Mr Muhammad Yunus bin Ahmad Mazuki (University of Malaya)

A copy of FIO-ROMS has now been successfully installed on IOES High-Performance Computing Cluster. 

China-Malaysia Joint Cruise Meeting held in Qingdao, China
Venue Blue Horizon Hotel, Qingdao, China
Date 3-4 Dec 2019

A meeting on China-Malaysia Joint Cruise was organised by First Institute of Oceanography, China from 3rd to 4th of December 2019. The two-day meeting was held at the Blue Horizon Hotel, Qingdao, China. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the cruise preparation, potential joint research projects and participants. On the second day of the meeting, participants visited the Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao) and FIO Research Vessel Xiang Yang Hon 18. 

Participants from Malaysia:
1.    Prof. Dato’ Dr Azizan bin Abu Samah (University of Malaya)
2.    Assoc. Prof. Dr Lim Po Teen (University of Malaya)
3.    Assoc. Prof. Dr Hasrizal bin Shaari (Universiti Terengganu Malaysia)
4.    Dr Mohd Shahrul bin Mohd Nadzir (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
5.    Dr Sazlina binti Md Salleh (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
6.    Dr Cheah Wee (University of Malaya)
7.    Dr Mohd Fadzil Firdzaus bin Mohd Nor (University of Malaya)
8.    Mr Sim Yee Kwang (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
9.    Mr Muhammad Yunus bin Ahmad Mazuki (University of Malaya)

The First International Workshop on Marine Microbes and Their Natural Product
Venue Tianjin University (TJU)
Date 25-27 September 2019

The FIO-UM JCMST had supported travel support to Dr Kishneth Palaniveloo, IOES, UM to give a talk at the First International Workshop on Marine Microbes and Their Natural Product, 25-27 September 2019, Tianjin University. Tianjin University had invited Dr Kishneth for giving a talk about “Exploring the diversity of natural products in Malaysian waters” in the workshop. The workshop also aimed to explore collaboration opportunities between the University of Malaya and Tianjin University in marine microbial ecology and biotechnology.

The travel support to Dr Kishneth was a part of the human capacity building in the joint center. 

Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual Meeting
Venue Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre, 1 Raffles Boulevard, Suntec City, Singapore 039593
Date 28 July – 02 August 2019
Description___ AOGS holds annual conventions providing a unique opportunity of exchanging scientific knowledge and discussion to address important geo-scientific issues among academia, research institution and public. Dr. Mohd Fadzil Firdzaus Bin Mohd Nor (IOES postdoctoral research fellows) presented an oral presentation regarding a recent project with IOES-FIO Joint Center which was a case study: Oral presentation: Tropical Storm Pabuk: Observational analysis based on metocean buoy data. (Session: AS28 / Theory, Observations and Modelling of Maritime Continent Weather and Climate). At the same time, he also replacing Dr Sheeba as a converner on the first session of OS01 (polar research session), which he co-convene with the main convener, Prof Robin Robertson: Session: OS01 / The Southern Ocean and Polar Regions and Their Roles in Climate. 2 Aug 2019

The 3rd South China Sea Conference 2019 (SCS2019): Sea, Science and Societies: Forging Alliances in Facing Global Environmental Change
Venue Hotel Eastin, Kuala Lumpur
Date 24-28 June 2019

The 3rd South China Sea Conference 2019 (SCS2019) with the theme “Sea, Science and Societies: Forging Alliances in Facing Global Environmental Change” was jointly organized by the Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), UM, Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change (MESTECC), Malaysia, First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), MNR, China and China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences, Xiamen University Malaysia. The conference was held at the Eastin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, from 24 to 28 June 2019. More than 120 participants in the field of marine and atmospheric science and technology from 13 countries, including researchers and postgraduate students from Malaysia, Australia, China, Denmark, India, Indonesia, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and the United States have gathered in Kuala Lumpur for the SCS2019.

The scientific programme of SCS2019 conference consisted with 5 main sessions, i) marine biodiversity, conservation and management; ii) anthropogenic impacts on coastal processes; iii) sensing and monitoring of the ocean and atmosphere; iv) bioactivities and biotechnological applications of marine organisms and v) ocean thermal energy conversion technology. There were 27 posters, and 64 oral presentations, including one Keynote and 6 Plenary have been presented. All participants are invited to submit a manuscript to a Special Issue the Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.

Research outputs including knowledge sharing, improved techniques and publications at the Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.

Field Visit of the Fourth Institute of Oceanography (4IO), Ministry of Natural Resources (MNS), China to Langkawi
Venue Pulau Payar Marine Park & Mariculture Research Division, Fisheries Research Institute, Department of Fisheries
Date 18-20 Dec 2018

i.    Prof Dr Lim Phaik Eem, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Universiti Malaya
ii.    Mr. Huang Haibo, General Director, Fourth Institute of Oceanography,Ministry of Natural Resources.
iii.    Dr. Zhou Xiong, Deputy Director, Fourth Institute of Oceanography,Ministry of Natural Resources.
iv.    Dr. Chen Jie, Director of International Cooperation Office of Fourth Institute of Oceanography,Ministry of Natural Resources
During the visit, the team have visited the Pulau Payar Marine Park where the observation of the coral reef’s ecosystem was carried out through snorkelling. In addition to that, visit to the Marine Park office was also carried out when discussion on the management of the marine park was carried out. In addition to that, the visit to the Mariculture Research Division, Fisheries Research Institute, Department of Fisheries was carried out where the officer in-charge, En Nik Daud explained and showed the seedlings’ maintenance of Kappaphycus spp. and also hatchery for sea cucumber. The field trip to

Langkawi is basically to expose the 4IO delegates:
i.    Understanding the tropical coral reef ecosystem
ii.    Management of the Marine Park in Malaysia
iii.    Research project in supporting the aquaculture activity in Malaysia
Through the visit the 4IO and IOES, UM has agreed to collaborate on the seaweed cultivation aspect when 4IO is keen to develop carrageenophytes cultivation is Beihai with their local species. This will follow up with grant application.

6th China Southeast Asian Countries Marine Cooperation Forum
Venue Beihai, China
Date 15-18 Nov 2018

This forum is part of the series of the annual event that was held routinely in presenting and discussions on the research pertaining to marine science technology. The Forum is hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources of China and Guangxi Provincial Government, and co-organized by the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) of the Ministry of Natural Resources of China together with the local government. The purpose of this forum to provide the platform for the marine scientists from China and Southeast Asian countries to discuss and communicate on commonly interested topics related to marine sciences, technology, and policies. This forum also aims to serve as the platform for future cooperation.
UM Participants:
i.    Prof Dato’ Dr Azizan Abu Samah
ii.    Prof Dr Lim Phaik Eem
iii.    Assoc Prof Dr Lim Po Teen
iv.    Assoc Prof Dr Leaw Chui Pin

During this forum, Prof. Lim Phaik Eem jointly presented  a paper on “Macroplastic and Microplastic pollution in the Marine Environment of Asia”  with Prof. Sun Chengjun. In addition to that, active discussions on potential joint research collaboration has been carried with researchers from China and SEA countries.

Visit of Prof Tiegang LI, Director General of First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), China to Bachok Marine Research Station, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan
Date 15 September 2018

Prof Tiegang LI, Director General of First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), China, Prof Yue Fang, Deputy Director of the Center for Ocean and Climate Research (COCR), FIO and Yafeng Yang, Director of the International Cooperation Division, FIO visited Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS), Bachok. Assoc. The purpose of the visit was to survey the facilities and the FIO-UM JCMST office in the BMRS, IOES, Bachok. 
Prof Tiegang LI was impressed with facilities and research project at the BMRS. He hopes more active collaboration with more joint activities can be carried out through the FIO-UM JCMST. 

The 2018 Overseas Training Course on China-Malaysia Multidisciplinary Ocean Observation Technology
Venue •    Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur; 
•    Bachok Marine Research Station, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, 
•    University of Malaya, Bachok, Kelantan; Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu.
Date 13-17 September 2018

Institute of Ocean and Earth sciences (IOES) together with First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), Fujian Institute of Oceanography, China and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu had jointly organized a training course "2018 Overseas Training Course on China-Malaysia Multidisciplinary Ocean Observation Technology" from 13th to 27th September 2018. The topics included in the training course:- 
Exchange and Experience of Chinese Culture activities have been conducted in collaboration with Kongzi Institute, University of Malaya on 14 Sept 2018. 
•    Ocean Physical Observation Techniques and Methods
•    Ocean Microplastics Observation and Analyses
•    Ocean Geological Observation Techniques and Methods
•    Ocean Biological Observation Techniques and Methods
•    Comprehensive Observation of Ocean Environment and Lecture - Ocean Dynamical Environment and Sea Surface Meteorological Observation.
•    Overview of Harmful Algal Bloom Research
•    Techniques in Environmental Samples Collection and Preservation; Obtaining Environmental DNA for Metagenomics Analysis; Gene Amplification of Environmental DNA; Metagenomics Data Analysis.

The training course was participated by fifty participants, including government officials, researchers, postgraduate, NGOs from Malaysia. All the participants have given opportunities to exchange and experience the Chinese culture. They have also learned about ocean physical, ocean microplastics, ocean geological, ocean dynamic and harmful algal blooms research in this training course.

Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Calibration, Maintenance, Application and Data Analysis
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS), IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan
Date 22 June 2018

A total of 8 delegates from FIO, MNR, China led by Professor Dr Yue Fang, FIO, China visited BMRS, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan to carry out annual calibration and maintenance for the AWS at Atmosphere laboratory.

The annual AWS system calibration and maintenance was carried out at BMRS, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan. This was to ensure the validity of the data collected by the AWS system.

Vessel Inspection for METOcean Buoy Deployment
Venue Kemaman and  Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Date 13-15 March 2018

i)    Prof Dato’ Dr Azizan Abu Samah (IOES, UM)
ii)    Dr Cheah Wee (IOES, UM)
iii)    Prof Yue Fang (FIO)
iv)    Dr Baochao Liu (FIO)
v)    Dr Qinglei Su (FIO)
Inspection of vessels, MV Berkat Tenang and UMT’s RV Discovery was carried out at port of Kemaman and Kuala Terengganu from 13 to 15 March 2018. The main objective of the trip was to study the feasibility of vessel for the deployment of METOcean Buoy. The objective of this activity is to inspect vessels to be used in the deployment of METOcean Buoy.

UMT’s RV Discovery was selected as the vessel for the deployment of METOcean Buoy

Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Monitoring and Checking
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan
Date 19 December 2017

A total of 4 delegates from FIO, MNR China led by Professor Dr Yue Fang, FIO, China visited Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS), IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan on 19 Dec 2017. Prof. Dr Yue Fang checked the condition of AWS on the atmospheric laboratory BMRS, Bachok and introduced the AWS to his other 3 colleagues. 

The AWS system on the atmospheric laboratory BMRS, Bachok was still in good condition. Prof. Dr Yue Fang has planned the next annual AWS system calibration and maintenance will be on June 2018.

Ceremony for the launching of FIO-UM Joint Centre of Marine Science & Technology
Venue Connexxion Conference an Event Centre, Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date 16 December 2017
Description___ The FIO-UM JCMST was officially inaugurated on 16 December 2017 by the H.E Mr Shanqing LIN, Deputy Administrator of SOA, China and YB Datuk Wira Dr Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia, during the 5th China Southeast Asian Countries Marine Cooperation Forum, 16-17 December 2017 at Connexxion Conference an Event Centre, Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
FIO-UM Joint Centre of Marine Science & Technology is located at Bachok Marine Research Station, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan.

5th China-Southeast Asian Countries Marine Cooperation Forum
Venue Connexxion Conference an Event Centre, Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date 16-17 December 2017

The 5th China-Southeast Asian Countries Marine Cooperation Forum was successfully held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the 16 -17 December 2017. It was organised as an ongoing effort to strengthen the cooperation between China and Southeast Asian countries in marine science and technology. The forum was jointly hosted by the State Oceanic Administration of China (SOA) (Now is known as Minister of Natural Resources (MNR))  and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia (MOSTI). MOSTI appointed Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES) as the organizer of this forum. There were four sessions, (1) Marine environment monitoring and services; (2) Marine biodiversity and ecosystem protection; (3) Marine biotechnology and blue economy; and (4) Discussion on future marine cooperation in this forum.

More than 100 delegates from various organizations related to marine affairs of China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines and Brunei Darussalam have participated in the forum. The researchers and students from China and Southeast Asia countries have the opportunities to exchange their research findings and information. This forum also had strengthened the cooperation between China and Southeast Asian Countries in marine Science and technology.

Joint Committee Malaysia-China Maritime Research Workshop
Venue High Impact Research Building, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
Date 14 December 2017 

The Joint Committee Malaysia-China Maritime Research Workshop was jointly organized by Institute of Ocean and Earth Science (IOES), UM and First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), MNR on 14 December 2017 at High Impact Research Building, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. The workshop aims to re-endorse and recommend the 18 projects for 2018 and 2019. This workshop also aimed to discuss and recommend new proposals for the JCM meeting on 15 December 2017. There were 5 flagships in the workshop:-
•    Ocean Forecasting Model Development and Utilization
•    ii) Cold Surge and Madden Julian Oscillation Interaction Over Maritime Continent
•    iii) The Distribution and Evolution of the sediment in the South China Sea
•    Study on Ecosystem Health and Biodiversity
•    Study on marine and coastal zone management and new techniques support

Forty participants including government officials and researchers from Malaysia and China institutes have attended the workshop. 5 Malaysia and 5 China scientists act as the panel on this workshop.

Meeting On Transcriptomics Studies of Algae from Different Latitudes Subjected to Temperature and Ultra-Violet Radiation Stress
Venue Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), University of Malaya
Date 16 – 18 August 2016

Prof. Liu Chenlin, FIO, MNR, China and Associate Prof Dr Lim Phaik Eem, IOES, UM had discussed on the research project of ” Omic” Studies on Algae from Different Latitudes Subjected to Various Abiotic Stress. During the visit, Prof Dr Lim has introduced the laboratory facilities and the polar algae collection. She provided Dr Lim with two strains of polar diatoms which shall serve as the basis of the collaboration. Prof Liu and Associate Prof Dr Lim agree to use the diatoms for metabolomics response to high-temperature stress studies. Besides, they also discussed some technical matters for transcriptomics analysis.

This visit allowed the establishment of an international collaboration with Prof. Liu Chenlin from the FIO. Prof. Liu is a very established researcher for the “Omic” studies of microalgae towards various abiotic stresses. This visit also helped to establish networking with other researchers from the FIO, Qingdao, China.

Research Collaboration Meeting between the Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES) and the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), China
Venue Cube Meeting Room, Institute of Graduate Studies Building, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Date 22 July 2016

The Research Collaboration Meeting between the Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES) and the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) was an annual research meeting to report the past year’s research findings and plan the next action plan or research project direction. This is in line with the objectives and terms of the MoU signed between the two institutions which established the ‘FIO-IOES Joint Center of Marine Science and Technology’ at IOES Bachok Marine Research Station.

During this exciting discussion session, the FIO and IOES expressed their interests to collaborate on joint research and other activities. Several areas (Physical Oceanography and Biological Oceanography) for research collaboration and collaboration on a Year of the Maritime Continent project, were identified.

Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Calibration, Maintenance, Application and Data Analysis
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS), IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan
Date 18-22 July 2016

A total of 8 delegates from FIO, MNR, China led by Professor Dr Yue Fang visited BMRS, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan to carry out annual calibration and maintenance for the AWS at Atmosphere laboratory. Besides that, the visit also included conducting hand-on measurements and data analysis of the AWS with BMRS staffs and students. 

The annual AWS system calibration and maintenance was carried out at BMRS, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan. Selected sensors were replaced to ensure the optimum performance of the system. This was also to ensure the validity of the data collected by the AWS system.

3rd China-ASEAN Countries Marine Cooperation Forum
Venue Lanhai Hotel, Qingdao, China
Date 27-31 December 2015

Institute Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES) have participated in the 3rd China-ASEAN Countries Marine Cooperation Forum on 27-31 December 2015 at Qingdao, China. This forum was jointly organised by FIO, MNR and Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO), MNR, China. It was aimed to establish a platform for cooperation of marine science and technology among China and Southeast Asia countries and promote sustainable development of these countries. The topics of the forum were the i) ocean and climate change, ii) ocean forecasting system and observation, iii) marine environment and biodiversity and iv) regional cooperation platforms. 
IOES Researchers Involve:
a)    Professor Dato Dr Azizan Abu Samah
b)    Professor Dr Phang Siew Moi
c)    Associate Professor Dr Lim Phaik Eem
d)    Dr Mohamad Rizman Idid
e)    Dr Bong Chui Wei

Researchers from IOES had presented the research finding and joint publications in the forum and generated more research collaboration with China.

Memorandum of understanding (MoU) signing ceremony between University of Malaya (IOES) and First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) the Establishment of the FIO- UM Joint Center of Marine Science and Technology
Venue Meeting Room, Vice-Chancellor Office, Chancellery Building, UM
Date 23 November 2015  

Under this MoU, both parties (FIO, MNR and IOES, UM) agreed to establish the FIO-UM Joint Center of Marine Science and Technology at Bachok Marine Research Station, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, Bachok, Kelantan. 
FIO Delegates:
•    Professor DeYi Ma, Director General, FIO, MNR
•    Mr Antao Wang, Director for Asian and African Countries Cooperation, Department of International Cooperation, MNR, China

UM Delegates:
•    Professor Dr Mohd Amin Jalaludin, Vice-Chancellor, University of Malaya
•    Professor Dr Noorsaadah Abduh Rahman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation), UM
•    Professor Dr Phang Siew Moi, Director, IOES, UM
•    Professor Dato’ Dr Azizan Abu Samah, Deputy Director, IOES, UM
•    Associate Professor Dr Yong Zulina Zubairi, Deputy Director (International), International & Corporate Relations Office (ICR), UM
•    Dr Yeong Hui Yin, Research Officer, IOES, UM
•    Miss Aeti Amira Abdullah, International Relations Officer, ICR, UM

Outcomes of the collaboration under this MoU includes the establishment of the FIO- UM Joint Center of Marine Science and Technology at Bachok Marine Research Station, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan; planning and execution of projects, joint scientific research and collection of data, exchange of research data, scientific information, preparation of research equipment and also the exchange of researchers, officers and students.

Visit of Director General First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), State Oceanic Administration (SOA), China
Venue Jupiter Meeting Research Management & Innovation Complex, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Date 23 November 2015 

The official visit of the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), MNR, China to the Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), University of Malaya (UM) took place from 23 November 2015. A total of two delegates from FIO led by Professor DeYi Ma, General Director of FIO, MNR, China and Mr Antao Wang, Director of Asian and African Countries Cooperation, Department of International Cooperation, MNR, China visited the Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), UM. The visit aimed to strengthen IOES-FIO cooperation, explore potential collaborations on marine science and technology research and MoU signing between UM-FIO on the Establishment of the FIO-UM Joint Center of Marine Science and Technology.

The meeting at IOES revealed that there are many common areas of research between FIO and IOES. The general director of FIO expressed their support to IOES and looking forward to the success of establishing the FIO-UM Joint Center of Marine Science and Technology.

Initiation of the Memorandum of Understanding between The First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), MNR, China and University of Malaya (IOES) and on the Establishment of the FIO-UM Joint Centre of Marine Science and Technology
Venue Anggerik Room, Block D, Institute of Postgraduate Building, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Date 21 August 2015 

Professor Dr Yue Fang, FIO, China initiated a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IOES and FIO, MNR, China on establishing the FIO-UM Joint Center of Marine Science and Technology in November 2015. This initiative was also welcomed by the University of Malaya as well as IOES. Both FIO and IOES were working hard on the drafting of the MoU.
Memorandum of Understanding between University of Malaya (IOES) and The First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), MNR, China on the Establishment of the FIO-UM Joint Center of Marine Science and Technology was signed on 23 November 2015.

Research Collaboration Meeting between the Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES) and the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO)
Venue Anggerik Room, Block D, Institute of Postgraduate Building, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Date 21 August 2015 

The IOES-FIO Meeting was held at IOES and attended by 17 delegates from both IOES and FIO. The meeting commenced with welcome remarks from Professor Dr Phang Siew Moi, Director of IOES. Professor Dr Yue Fang then gave a brief introduction on the AWS system set up at BMRS, AWS data flow, observation plan of FIO for the next 5-10 years in this region,  and surface buoy at Bachok waters. This was followed by presentations on the Introduction of Chinese Coastal GNSS Continuous Operational Reference System (CORS) by Dr Huayi Zhang.

•    An automatic weather station (AWS) provided by FIO has been installed at the observation tower of BMRS in August 2015 as an initiation plan for the joint programme between IOES-FIO (IMMEESS).
•    IOES and FIO agreed to have a Scientists/ Students Exchange programme between the two institutions for capacity building and technology transfer.
•    IOES and FIO agreed on the establishment of the UM-FIO Joint Laboratory of Marine Sciences in the Atmospheric Laboratory at BMRS.
•    A surface buoy will be developed by FIO and deployed at the offshore Bachok as the joint research for the UM-FIO Joint Laboratory of Marine Sciences. Issues related to the development of the surface buoy, deployment and monitoring were discussed.
•    Research discussion between IOES and FIO researchers during the Research Collaboration Meeting between IOES and FIO at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 

Training workshop on Automatic Weather Station Installation, Application and Data Analysis
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan
Date 16- 23 August 2015 and 16 August – 14 September 2015 (Dr Baochao Liu)

A total of 8 delegates from FIO, MNR, China led by Professor Dr Yue Fang visited Bachok Marine Research Station, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan to install the automatic weather station (AWS) at the atmosphere laboratory, BMRS. Training on hand-on measurements and data analysis of AWS was also being carried out for BMRS staffs and students. Dr Baochao Liu, FIO, MNR extended his attachment at BMRS from 16 August- 14 September 2015 to monitor and analyze the data from the AWS with BMRS staffs and students.

This training workshop had successfully trained the early-career scientists on the AWS. It had also provided a long term research collaboration between FIO and IOES on the data collection for atmospheric science monitoring and contribution to climate change study. 

2nd China-ASEAN Countries Forum on Marine Science and Technologies and Satellite Research Collaboration Meeting jointly organizing by FIO & IOES during 2nd China-ASEAN Countries Forum on Marine Science and Technologies
Venue Phuket, Thailand
Date 15-17 December 2014

A total of 5 delegates from the IOES, UM led by Professor Dr Phang Siew Moi attended the 2nd China-ASEAN Countries Forum on Marine Science and Technologies on 15 -17 November 2014, Phuket, Thailand. Professor Dr Phang has been invited to co-chair a session entitle Marine Environment and Biodiversity during the forum and four papers oral on various niches research areas of IOES were presented during the symposium. The presented papers from IOES were as below:
1.    The drivers of primary productivity in the South China Sea and its variability by Prof. Dato Dr Azizan Bin Abu Samah; 
2.    Diversity and ecology of Malaysian jellyfish by Dr Mohammed Rizman Idid; 
3.    A multi-pronged approach to overcoming knowledge barriers on the ecology and conservation status of dugongs in Johor, Malaysia – Towards critical habitat protection, Dr Louisa Shobhini Ponnampalam; 
4.    Zooplankton research in the University of Malaya, Dr Chiew Li-Lee (Associate Professor Dr Lee Choon Weng)

A Satellite Research Collaboration Meeting was also jointly organized by FIO, MNR & IOES, UM during the 2nd China-ASEAN Countries Forum on Marine Science and Technologies. The meeting aimed to strengthen IOES-FIO cooperation, explore potential collaborations on marine science research, further planning on the design and installation of an automatic weather station (AWS) which will be provided by FIO to will be placed at observation tower of BMRS in July 2015. 

An automatic weather station (AWS) provided by FIO was placed at the observation tower of BMRS in July 2015. IOES and FIO agreed to establish UM-FIO Joint Laboratory of Marine Sciences at BMRS in Bachok, Kelantan.

Visit of First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), State Oceanic Administration (SOA), China to Bachok Marine Research Station, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan.
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS), IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan
Date 04 Nov 2014

A total of six delegates from FIO led by Professor Yue Fang, Deputy Director of Center for Ocean and Climate Research (COCR), FIO, visited BMRS, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan. The purpose of the visit was to survey the site to install an automatic weather station (AWS) at the observation tower of BMRS. 

An automatic weather station (AWS) at the observation tower of BMRS in July 2015 as an initiation plan for the joint programme between IOES-FIO (IMMEESS).

Visit of First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), SOA, China and Institute of Ocean and Earth Science (IOES) - First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Scientific Research Collaboration Workshop
Venue Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), University of Malaya
Date 3-4 Nov 2014

The official visit of the FIO, MNR, China to the University of Malaya (UM), took place from 3 November 2014 at IOES, UM, Kuala Lumpur. A total of six delegates from FIO led by Professor Yue Fang, Deputy Director of Center for Ocean and Climate Research (COCR), FIO, visited IOES, UM. The visit aimed to strengthen IOES-FIO cooperation, explore potential collaborations on marine science research, data exchange and capacity building between the IOES and FIO.
The meeting at IOES revealed that there are many common areas of research between FIO and IOES. Selected proposed research projects to include (i) Impact of monsoon on marine environment and ecosystem; (ii)Jellyfish distribution: Historical and current; (iii) Harmful Algae Blooms; (iv) Latitudinal differences in response and adaptation of microorganisms to climate change. IOES and FIO agreed to collaborate on the meteorological observations at the Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS). An automatic weather station (AWS) provided by FIO will be placed at the observation tower of BMRS in July 2015 as an initiation plan for the joint programme between IOES-FIO (IMMEESS). IOES and FIO agreed to plan for convening a special session under the China-ASEAN Forum, which was scheduled from15-17 November 2014, Phuket, Thailand, and would jointly apply for the China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund. IOES and FIO agreed to have a Scientists/ Students Exchange programme between the two institutions for capacity building and technology transfer. 

Visit of First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), State Oceanic Administration (SOA), China and Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), UM, Kuala Lumpur to Bachok Marine Research Station, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan.
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS), IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan
Date 26 August 2013

Seven delegates from FIO led by Professor Yue Fang, Deputy Director of Center for Ocean and Climate Research (COCR), FIO, Prof Dr Phang Siew Moi, Director of IOES and Prof Dato Dr Azizan Abu Samah, Deputy Director of IOES visited BMRS, IOES, UM, Bachok, Kelantan on 26 August 2013. The purpose of the visit was to have a site visit on the facility at the BMRS. 
Professor Yue Fang was impressed with the facility and location of the BMRS, especially the atmosphere laboratory. He agreed to have a few collaboration projects with IOES in future.

Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences
C308, Institute for Advanced Studies Building,
Universiti Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur,

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Email: admin.ioes@um.edu.my

Office Hours 
Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Sat, Sun and Public Holidays: Closed