


Event Program Mobiliti Staf 2018 Daripada Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia Ke Universiti Malaya
Venue Anggerik Meeting Room, IGS Building, University of Malaya
Date 24 July 2018
Number of Participants 15

Event IOES Scientific Seminar Series by Dr Lee Wei Kang, Application Scientist, Codon Genomics Sdn. Bhd. on “Codon Genomics Barcoding System (CGBarc) – A cloud platform for molecular tracking and species identification”
Venue Video Conference Room, Research Management & Innovation Complex, University of Malaya
Date 17 July 2018
Number of Participants 15

Event Regional Tarining Course on Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Studies
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station
Date 8-14 July 2018
Number of Participants 22

Event Visit and research collaboration discussion of Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO), SOA, China 
Venue Anggerik Room, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 11 July 2018
Number of Participants 23

Event Visit and research collaboration discussion of Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO), SOA, China 
Venue Anggerik Room, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 3 July 2018
Number of Participants 20

Event Discussion meeting on Ocean acidification and Its Ecological and Social Impacts Project
Venue IOES Office, University of Malaya
Date 2 July 2018
Number of Participants 7

Event Visit of the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), SOA and Fujian Institute of Oceanography, China
Venue Video Conference Room, Research Management & Innovation Complex, University of Malaya
Date 28 June 2018
Number of Participants 20

Event IOES Scientific Seminar Series by Professor Dr Robin Robertson, Xiamen University Malaysia, Sepang Malaysia on “Mixing from Tides and Winds and Its Impacts”
Venue Anggerik Room, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 21 June 2018
Number of Participants 20

Event Fermentation Workshop 
Venue Azalea Room, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 5-7 June 2018
Number of Participants 10

Event Visit and research collaboration discussion of Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO), SOA, China 
Venue Anggerik Room, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 14 May 2018
Number of Participants 15

Event Program Perintis Saintis Muda bersama Pusat Penyelidikan Sains Marin dan Samudera bersama pelajar Tahun 6 SK Datu Hashim
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station
Date 7 May 2018
Number of Participants 44

Event Visit and research collaboration discussion of Third Institute of Oceanography (TIO), SOA, China 
Venue Anggerik Room, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 4 May 2018
Number of Participants 20

Event Penilaian Tapak Pusat Kecemerlangan Pendidikan Tinggi (HICoE) - Institut Sains Samudera dan Bumi (IOES)
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station
Date 5 April 2018
Number of Participants 22

Event Visit of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation) 
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station
Date 26 March 2018
Number of Participants 4

Event FIO-UM (IOES) Management Meeting 
Venue Anggerik Room, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 15 Feb 2018
Number of Participants 10

Event Visit of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan 
Venue Anggerik Room, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 15 Feb 2018
Number of Participants 35

Event Seminar on "The Reef Check Malaysia - A decade of surveys and conservation" by Mr Alvin Chelliah (Reef Check Malaysia) 
Venue Bilik Seminar B, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 12 Feb 2018
Number of Participants 15

Event Visit of Office Naval Research Global's Technical Director
Venue Anggerik Room, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 5 Feb 2018
Number of Participants 10

Event Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES) Seminar
  1. Anthropogenic aerosols: the major source of soluble iron in the surface water of the Northwestern Pacific Ocean.
  2. Quantification of zooplankton from meta-transcriptomic analysis.
Venue Bilik Anggerik, Third Floor, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 1st November 2017 (Wednesday)
Time  9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Programme___ DOWNLOAD

Event IOES Postgraduate Scientific Seminar Series
Topic Design and Development of Electrochemically Active Catalysts for the Applications of High Performance Biofuel cells?
Venue Auditorium, Institute of Graduate Studies Building, University of Malaya
Date 17 May 2016
Time 3pm - 4pm
Programme___ DOWNLOAD

Application of -omics technologies for understanding microbial response to environmental stress

Studying physiological changes at the cellular level enables the understanding of organism response and adaptation to environmental changes. Microbes are important drivers in all ecosystems, and understanding how the physiology and composition of microbial communities shift in response to stressors is imperative. This workshop is designed to provide training on the principles and use of -omics technologies (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and metagenomics) for the study of microbial response to environmental stress. Local and international experts will give introductory lectures, as well as lead hands-on sessions on designing experiments that apply these technologies for ecological and environmental studies. The workshop will also provide a practical training session on the isolation and identification of soil microfungi, which are key players in the soil ecosystem. 

We welcome postgraduate students and early career researchers in microbiology who are interested in stress response and the application of transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and metagenomics to ecological and environmental studies in microbial organisms to join this workshop.

Please download the application form here
Title Application of -omics technologies for understanding microbial response to environmental stress
Venue The Cube, Level 4, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya
Date 15th - 18th March 2016
Website http://omics2016.upm.edu.my

Event IOES Postgraduate Scientific Seminar Series
Topic Molecular phylogeny and evolution of red algal parasites: A case study of Gracilaria babae (Gracilariales)
Venue Anggerik Meeting Room, Block D, Level 3, IGS Building, University of Malaya
Date 22nd October 2015
Time 10.00 am
Programme DOWNLOAD

Event_______ IOES Postgraduate Scientific Seminar Series
Topic Environmental forensics investigation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Malaysian waters using fingerprinting and molecular marker techniques
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station, IOES, University of Malaya, Bachok, Kelantan
Date 10th Jun 2015
Time 10.00am - 12.00 noon

Event IOES Scientific Public Lecture
Topic Investigating the Use of Algal Biofilms in a Biophotovoltaic Device
Venue Anggerik Room, Institute of Graduate Studies Building, University of Malaya
Date 14 May 2015
Time 11.00 am

Event IOES Scientific Public Lecture
Topic Investigating the Use of Algal Biofilms in a Biophotovoltaic Device
Venue Anggerik Room, Institute of Graduate Studies Building, University of Malaya
Date 22 Oct 2015
Time 10.00 am

Event IOES Scientific Seminar Series by Ms Arely Gonzales Aravena (University of Cambridge)
Topic Direct electricity generation by photosynthetic systems
Venue Anggerik Room, Level 3, IPS Building, University of Malaya
Date 1 July 2015
Time 10.00 am

Title Workshop on Extreme Weather & Flood: Preliminary Investigation on the Recent Flood in the East Coast of Malaysia
Venue Anggerik Room, Level 3, IPS Building, University of Malaya
Date 27 Feb 2015
Time 8.30am - 5.00pm
Registration Form


Title Meet The Scientist @ Pusat Sains Negara - “The Ocean In The Brave New World” by Professor Dr George T. F. Wong
Venue Pusat Sains Negara

Title The 3rd Southeast Asian Seaweed Taxonomy Workshop (SEASTax III)
Date 21-28 Aug 2014
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station, University of Malaya

Date 4th - 5th Nov 2014
Venue Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS), University of Malaya

Title The third Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Biotoxins National Workshop on “Systematic and Advanced Methodologies in Harmful Algae Monitoring”
Date 12 - 15 Aug 2014
Venue Bachok Marine Research Station, University of Malaya


Title Discovering the Macro-scale Pattern of Brain Size Diversification: A Phylogenetic Comparative Approach
By Masahito Tsuboi
Date 1st Jul 2014
Time 2.30pm
Venue Anggerik Seminar Room, Block D, Level 3, IPS Building, University of Malaya

Title Scientific Seminar by Dr. Annadel Salvio Cabanban
Topic Large Marine Ecosystem Management: Emerging Issues and Regional Possibilities
Date 25th Apr 2014

Title Scientific seminar by Assoc. Prof. Dr Ka-Lai Pang
Topic Production of arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids by the marine oomycete Halophytophthora
Date 21st Apr 2014


Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences
C308, Institute for Advanced Studies Building,
Universiti Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur,

Tel: (+603) 7967 4640 / 6995
Fax: (+603) 7967 6994
Email: admin.ioes@um.edu.my

Office Hours 
Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Sat, Sun and Public Holidays: Closed