
ISI Cited Journal Papers 2019

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ISI-cited publications 2019


Baki, M.A., Shojib, M.F.H., Sehrin, S., Chakraborty, S., Choudhury, T.R., Bristy, M.S., Ahmed, M.K., Yusoff, S. & Khan, M.F. (2019). Health risk assessment of heavy metal accumulation in the Buriganga and Turag River systems for Puntius ticto, Heteropneustes fossilis, and Channa punctatus. Environ Geochem Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-019-00386-4 [Q1, IF: 3.252]


Chang, C.W.J., Hsu, H.H., Cheah, W., Tseng, W.L. & Jiang, L.C. (2019). Madden–Julian Oscillation Enhances Phytoplankton Biomass in the Maritime Continent. Scientific Reports, 9:5421 [Q1, IF: 4.011]


Chin, Y.X., Mi, Y., Cao, W.X., Lim, P.E., Xue, C.H. & Tang, Q.J. (2019). A Pilot Study on Anti-Obesity Mechanisms of Kappaphycus Alvarezii: The Role of Native κ-Carrageenan and the Leftover Sans-Carrageenan Fraction. Nutrients, 11, 1133; [Q1, IF: 4.171]


Chin, Y.Y., Chu, W.L., Kok, Y.Y., Phang, S.M., Wong, C.Y., Tan, B.K. & Mustafa, E.M. (2019). Sensitivity of selected tropical microalgae isolated from a farmland and a eutrophic lake to atrazine and endosulfan. Journal of Applied Phycology. 31:2981-2998 [Q1, IF: 2.635]


Choe, E.C., Ibrahim, S., Basirun, W.J. (2019). Mesoporous silica from batik sludge impregnated with aluminum hydroxide for the removal of bisphenol A and ibuprofen. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 541:12–17 [Q1, IF: 6.361]


Chow, C.H., Cheah, W., Tai, J.H. & Liu, S.F. (2019). Anomalous wind triggered the largest phytoplankton bloom in the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Scientific Reports. 9:15550 [Q1, IF: 4.011]


Daniel A.F., Yando, E.S., Abuchahla, G., Adams, J., Cannicci, S., Canty, S., Cavanaugh, K., Connolly, R., Cormier, N., Dahdouh-Guebas, F., Diele, K., Feller, C., Fratini, S., Jennerjahn, T., Lee, S.Y., Ogurcak, D., Ouyang, X., Rogers, K., Rowntree, J., Sharma, S., Sloey, T., & Wee, A., (2019). Mangroves give cause for conservation optimism, for now. Current Biology, Accepted [Q1, IF: 9.193]


Farren, N.J., Dunmore, R.E., Mead, M.I., Mohd Nadzir, M.S., Abu Samah, A., Phang, S.M., Sturges, W.T. & Hamilton, J.F. (2019). Chemical characterisation of water-soluble Ions in atmospheric particulate matter on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19:1537–1553 [Q1, IF: 5.668]


Ghotli, R.A., Abbasi, M.R., Bagheri, A.H., Abdul Raman, A.A., Ibrahim, S. & Bostanci, H. (2019). Experimental and modeling evaluation of droplet size in immiscible liquid-liquid stirred vessel using various impeller designs. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 100:26–36 [Q1, IF: 3.834]


Goh, H.C., Chew, L.L., Bong, C.W., Ng, C.C. & Chong, V.C. (2019). Past and present infestation of the stalked ciliate Zoothamnium sp. on copepods in the Klang Strait. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 83: 263-279 [Q1, IF: 2.788]


Hessami, M.J., Phang, S.M., Sohrabipoor, J., Zafar, F.F. & Aslanzadeh, S. (2019). The bio-methane potential of whole plant and solid residues of two species of red seaweeds: Gracilaria manilaensis and Gracilariopsis persica. Algal Research, 42:101581 [Q1, IF: 3.723]


Huang, C.X., Dong, H.C., Lundholm, N., Teng, S.T., Zheng, G.C., Tan, Z.J., Lim, P.T. & Li, Y. (2019). Species composition and toxicity of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia in Taiwan Strait, including P. chiniana sp. nov. and P. qiana sp. nov. Harmful Algae, 84:195–209 [Q1, IF: 5.012]


Ibrahim, S., Choe, E.C. & El-Shafie, A. (2019). Sensitivity analysis of artificial neural networks for just-suspension speed prediction in solid-liquid mixing systems: Performance comparison of MLPNN and RBFNN. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 39:278–291 [Q1, IF: 3.772]


Keng, F.S.L., Phang, S.M., Abd Rahman, N., Elvidge, E.C.L., Malin, G. & Sturges, W.T. (2019). The emission of volatile halocarbons by seaweeds and their response towards environmental changes. Journal of Applied Phycology. Accepted [Q1, 2.635]


Lim, J.H., Wong, Y.Y., Lee, C.W., Bong, C.W. & Kudo. I. (2019). Long-term comparison of dissolved nitrogen species in tropical estuarine and coastal water systems. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 222:103–111 [Q1, IF: 2.611]


Lim, Y.Y., Lee, W.K., Lim, P.E., Phang, S.M., Leow, A.T.C., Namasivayam, P., Abdullah, J.O. & Ho, C.L. (2019). Expression analysis of potential transcript and protein markers that are related to agar yield and gel strength in Gracilaria changii (Rhodophyta). Algal Research, 41:101532 [Q1, IF: 3.723]


Lim, Z.F., Luo, Z., Lee, L.K., Hii, K.S., Teng, S.T., Chan, L.L., Chomerat, N., Krock, B., Gu, H., Lim, P.T. & Leaw, C.P. (2019). Taxonomy and toxicity of Prorocentrum from Perhentian Islands (Malaysia), with a description of a non-toxigenic species Prorocentrum malayense sp. nov. (Dinophyceae). Harmful Algae, 83:95-108 [Q1, IF: 5.012]


Lye, Y.L., Bong, C.W., Lee, C.W., Zhang, R.J., Zhang, G., Suzuki, S. & Chai, L.C. (2019). Anthropogenic impacts on sulfonamide residues and sulfonamide resistant bacteria and genes in Larut and Sangga Besar River, Perak. Science of the Total Environment, 688:1335–1347 [Q1, IF: 5.589]


Mustapa, N.I., Yong, H.L., Lee, L.K., Lim, Z.F., Lim, H.C., Teng, S.T., Luo, Z., Gu, H., Leaw, C.P. & Lim, P.T. (2019). Growth and epiphytic behavior of three Gambierdiscus species (Dinophyceae) associated with various macroalgal substrates. Harmful Algae, 89:101671 [Q1, IF: 5.012]


Nayaka, R.R., Alengaram, U.J., Jumaat, M.Z., Yusoff, S. & Ganasan, R. (2019). Performance evaluation of masonry grout containing high volume of palm oil industry by-products. Journal of Cleaner Production, 220:1202-1214 [Q1, IF: 6.395]


Sharma, S., MacKenzie, R.A., Tieng, T., Soben, K., Tulyasuwan, N., Resanond, A., Blate, G. & Litton, C.M. (2019). The impacts of degradation, deforestation and restoration on mangrove ecosystem carbon stocks across Cambodia. Science of the Total Environment. Accepted [Q1, 5.589]


Sia, E.SA., Zhu, Z., Zhang, J., Cheah, W., Jiang, S., Jang, F.H., Mujahid, A., Shiah, F.K. & Muller, M. (2019). Biogeographical distribution of microbial communities along the Rajang River–South China Sea continuum. Biogeosciences, 16:4243–4260 [Q1, IF: 3.951]


Soper, F.M., MacKenzie R.A., Sharma, S., Cole, T.G., Litton, C.M. & Sparks, J.P. (2019). Non‐native mangroves support carbon storage, sediment carbon burial, and accretion of coastal ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 25(12):4315-43263 [Q1, IF: 8.880]


Sun, S., Fang, Y., Zu, Y., Liu, B., Tana & Abu Samah, A. (2019). Seasonal Characteristics of Mesoscale Coupling between the Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Speed in the South China Sea. Journal of Climate. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0392.1 [Q1, IF: 4.805]


Tan, Y.H., Lim, P.E., Beardall, J., Poong, S.W. & Phang, S.M. (2019). A metabolomic approach to investigate effects of ocean acidification on a polar phytoplankton Chlorella sp. Aquatic Toxicology, 217:105349 [Q1, IF: 3.794]


Vafaeifard, M., Ibrahim, S., Wong, K.T., Pasbakhsh, P., Pichiah, S., Choi, J., Yoon, Y. & Jang, M. (2019). Novel self-assembled 3D flower-like magnesium hydroxide coated granular polyurethane: Implication of its potential application for the removal of heavy metals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 216:495-503 [Q1, IF: 6.395]


Wu, S., Gu, W., Huang, A., Li, Y., Kumar, M., Lim, P.E., Huan, L., Gao, S. & Wang, G. (2019). Elevated CO2 improves both lipid accumulation and growth rate in the glucose‑6‑phosphate dehydrogenase engineered Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Microbial Cell Factories,18:161 [Q1, IF: 4.402]



Aroyehun, A.Q., Palaniveloo, K., Ghazali, F., Idid, M.R. & Abdul Razak. (2019). Effects of Seasonal Variability on the Physicochemical, Biochemical, and Nutritional Composition of Western Peninsular Malaysia Gracilaria manilaensis. Molecules, 24:3298 [Q2, IF: 3.060]


Barati, B., Gan, S.Y., Lim, P.E., Beardall, J. & Phang, S.M. (2019). Green algal molecular responses to temperature stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 41:26. [Q2, IF: 1.608]


Chen, F., Wu, J., Liu, J., Hu, Y., Chen, X., Lim, P.E., Abdullah, W.M.A., Sjafrie, N.D.M. & Adirianto, B. (2019). Comparison of social-value cognition based on different groups: The case of Pulau Payar in Malaysia and Gili Matra in Indonesia. Ocean and Coastal Management, 173:1–9 [Q2, IF: 2.595]


Chen, J.H., Liu, L., Lim, P.E. & Wei, D. (2019). Effects of sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate (SCBH) on cell growth and fatty acid accumulation of heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 42(7):1129-1142 [Q2, IF: 2.139]


Chin, R.J., Lai, S.H., Ibrahim, S., Wan Jaafar, W.Z. & Elshafie, A. (2019). ANFIS-based model for predicting actual shear rate associated with wall slip phenomenon. Soft Computing, pp 1-11 [Q2, IF: 2.784]


Du, J., Loh, K.H., Then, A.Y.H., Zheng, X., Peristiwady, T., Idid, M.R. & Alias, M. (2019). First record of the dotted grouper Epinephelus epistictus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) (Perciformes, Serranidae) in Malaysia, ZooKeys, 861: 107–118 [Q1, IF: 1.143]


Eamsobhana, P., Yong, H.S., Song, S.L., Gan, X.X., Prasartvit, A. & Tungtrongchitr, A. (2019). Molecular phylogeography and genetic diversity of Angiostrongylus cantonensis and A. malaysiensis (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae) based on 66- kDa protein gene. Parasitology International, 68:24–30 [Q2, IF: 2.017]


Hii, K.S., Lim, P.T., Kon, N.F., Usup, G., Gu, H. & Leaw, C.P. (2019). Transcriptional and physiological responses to inorganic nutrition in a tropical Pacific strain of Alexandrium minutum: Implications for nutrient uptakes and assimilation. Gene, 711:143950 [Q1, IF: 2.638]


Lim, K.C., Chong, V.C, Lim, P.E., Yurimoto, T. & Loh, K.H. (2019). Feeding ecology of three sympatric species of stingrays on a tropical mudflat. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 99(4):999-1007 [Q1, IF: 1.578]

Lim, Y.K., Keng, F.S.L., Phang, S.M., Sturges, W.T., Malin, G. & Abd Rahman, N. (2019). Effect of irradiance on the emission of short-lived halocarbons from three common tropical marine microalgae. Peer J. 7:e6758 [Q2, IF: 2.353]

Luo, Z., Lim, Z.F., Mertens, K.N., Krocks, B., Teng, S.T., Tan, T.H., Leaw, C.P., Lim, P.T. & Gu, H. (2019). Attributing Ceratocorys, Pentaplacodinium and Protoceratium to Protoceratiaceae (Dinophyceae), with descriptions of Ceratocorys malayensis sp. nov. and Pentaplacodinium usupianum sp. nov. Phycologia [Q2, IF: 1.976]


Onn, C. C., Mo, K. H., Radwan, M. K. H., Liew, W. H., Ng, C. G. & Yusoff, S. (2019). Strength, Carbon Footprint and Cost Considerations of Mortar Blends with High Volume Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag. Sustainability, 11:7194 [Q2, IF: 2.592]


Syazwan,W.M, Low L.B & Rizman-Idid,M. (2019) First record in Peninsular Malaysia and morphological redescription of Lychnorhiza malayensis (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Lychnorhizidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (accepted) [Q2, IF: 1.230]


Thomes, M.W., Vaezzadeh, V., Zakaria, M.P. & Bong, C.W. (2019). Use of sterols and linear alkylbenzenes as molecular markers of sewage pollution in Southeast Asia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26(31):31555-31580 [Q2, IF: 2.914]


Wang, H., Hu, Z., Shang, L., Leaw, C.P., Lim, P.T. & Tang, Y.Z. (2019). Toxicity comparison among four strains of Margalefidinium polykrikoides from China, Malaysia, and USA (belonging to two ribotypes) and possible implication. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Accepted [Q2, IF: 2.365]


Wong, Y.Y., Lee, C.W., Bong, C.W., Lim, J.H., Narayanan, K. & Edmund Sim, U.H. (2019). Environmental control of Vibrio spp. abundance and community structure in tropical waters. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95 (11): pii: fiz176 [Q2, IF: 4.098]


Zainal, B.S., Akhbari, A., Zinatizadeh, A.A., Mohammadi, P., Danaee, M., Mohd, N.S. & Ibrahim, S. (2019). UASFF start-up for biohydrogen and biomethane production from treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44:20725-20737 [Q2, IF: 4.084]



Abu Samah, A., Alias, S.A., Lim, P.E., Ponting, S.B., Chenoli, S.N. & Chaturvedi, S. (2019). Special issue on 7th Malaysian international seminar on Antarctica (MISA7): Connectivity between Polar and Equatorial Climate and Biosphere: From the poles to the tropics. Polar Science,20:1-2 [Q3, IF: 1.190]

C.A. Babu & Sivaprasad, P. (2019). Analysis of the aerosol and the ozone observations at a southwest peninsular coastal station using Microtops sunphotometer. Indian Journal of Physics. 93(6):701-705 [Q3, IF: 1.242]

Chu, W.L., Dang, N.L., Kok, Y.Y., Yap, K.S.I., Phang, S.M. & Convey, P. (2019). Heavy metal pollution in Antarctica and its potential impacts on algae. Polar Science, 20:75-83 [Q3, IF: 1.190]

Du, J., Loh, K.H., Hu, W., Zheng, X., Yang Amri, A., Ooi, J.L.S., Ma, Z., Idid, M.R., & Chan, A.A. (2019). An updated checklist of the marine fish fauna of Redang Islands, Malaysia. Biodiversity Data Journal, 7: e47537 [Q3, IF: 1.029]

Goh, H.C., Wahab, N.F.A., Alias, S.A., Yusof, K. & Md Komaruddin, A.T. (2019). The influence of Malaysia's involvement in Antarctica on the awareness of Antarctica and its values amongst Malaysian citizens in state capital cities. Polar Science, 20:92-99 [Q3, IF: 1.190]

Hessami, M.J, Cheng, S.F., Ambati, R.R., Yeong, H.Y. & Phang, S.M. (2019). Bioethanol production from agarophyte red seaweed, Gelidium elegans using a novel sample preparation method for analysing bioethanol content by gas chromatography. 3 Biotech, 9:25 [Q3, IF: 1.786]

Hussin, H. (2019). Buwas Kuning (Yellow Rice) and its Symbolic Functions Among the Sama-Bajau of Malaysia. SAGE Open, 9(4), October-December 2019: 1–13 [Q3, IF: 0.675]

Ibrahim, I.Z., Chong, W.T., Yusoff, S., Wang, C.T., Xiang, X. & Muzammil, W.K. (2019). Evaluation of common indoor air pollutant reduction by a botanical indoor air biofilter system. Indoor and Built Environment, DOI: 10.1177/1420326X19882080 [Q3, IF: 1.367]

Kamruzzaman, M., Mouctar, K., Sharma, S. & Osawa, A. (2019). Comparison of biomass and net primary productivity among three species in a subtropical mangrove forest at Manko Wetland, Okinawa, Japan. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 25:100475 [Q3, IF: 1.462]

Karthikeyan, C., Raj Kumar, T., Pannipara, M., Al-Sehemi, A.G., Senthilkumar, N., Angelaalincy, M.J., Varalakshmi, P., Phang, S.M., Periasamy, V. & Gnana kumar, G. (2019). Ruthenium oxide/tungsten oxide composite nanofibers as anode catalysts for the green energy generation of Chlorella vulgaris mediated biophotovoltaic cells. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 38(6):e13262 [Q3, IF: 1.596]

Khan, Z., Wan Maznah, W.O., Faradina Merican, M.S.M., Convey, P., Najimudin, N. & Alias, S.A. (2019). A comparative study of phycobilliprotein production in two strains of Pseudanabaena isolated from Arctic and tropical regions in relation to different light wavelengths and photoperiods. Polar Science, 20:3-8 [Q3, IF: 1.190]

Lai, J.W.S., Lim, P.E., Wong, CY., Phang, S.M. & Beardall, J. (2019). Photosynthetic response and DNA mutation of tropical, temperate and polar Chlorella under short-term UVR stress. Polar Science, 20:35-44 [Q3, IF: 1.190]

Li, Y., Zhang, L., Loh, K.H., Feng, J., Zheng, X., Song, P. & Lin, L. (2019). Genetic diversity comparison of Pampus minor between Chinese and Malaysian populations inferred from mtDNA Cytb. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 51(1):149-157 [Q3, IF: 0.790]

Liow, G.R., Lau, W.L.S., Law, I.K., Hii, K.S., Mohammad Noor, N., Leaw, C.P. & Lim, P.T. (2019). Phytoplankton community changes in Kuantan Port (Malaysia), with emphasis on the paralytic-shellfish toxin-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamiyavanichii. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 26:100504 [Q3, IF: 1.462]

Low, L.B, Syazwan W.M. & Rizman-Idid, M. (2019) A morphological evaluation of Chrysaora chinensis of Peninsular Malaysia and distinguishing its populations using geometric morphometrics. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(10): 67–74 [Q3, IF: 0.699]

M.S.M. Nadzir, Cain, M., Robinson, A.D., Bolas, C., Harris, N.R.P., Parnikoza, I., Salimun, E., Mustafa, E.M., Alhasa, K.M., Zainuddin, M.H.M., Ghee, O.C., Morris, K., Khan, M.F., Latif, M.T., Wallis, B.M., Cheah, W., Zainudin, S.K., Yusop, N., Ahmad, M.R., Hussin, W.M.R.W., Salleh, S.M., Hamid, H.H.A, Lai, G.T., Uning, R., Bakar, M.A.A., Ariff, N.M., Tuah, Z., Wahab, M.I.A., Foong, S.Y., Samah, A.A., Chenoli, S.N., Wan Johari, W.L., Zain, C.R.C.M., Rahman, N.A, Rosenstiel, T.N., Yusoff, A.H., Sabuti, A.A., Alias, S.A. & Noor. A.Y.M. (2019). Isoprene hotspots at the Western Coast of Antarctic Peninsula during MASEC’16. Polar Science, 20:63-74 [Q3, IF: 1.190]

Mohyeddin, N., Abu Samah, A., Chenoli, S.N., Ashfold, M.J., Mead, M.I., Oram, D., Foster, G., Latif, M.T., Sivaprasad, P. & Mohd Nor, M.F.F. (2019). The effects of synoptic and local meteorological condition on CO2, CH4, PM10 and PM2.5 at Bachok Marine Research Station (BMRS) in Peninsular Malaysia. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physic. Accepted [Q3, IF: 1.656]

Phang S.M., Yeong H.Y. & Lim P.E. (2019). The seaweed resources of Malaysia. Botanica Marina, 62(3): 265–273 [Q4, IF: 0.919]

Quah, Y., Mohd Ismail, N.I., Ooi, J.L.S., Yang Amri, A., Abd Manan, F., Teh, L.K. Wong, F.C. & Chai, T.T. (2019). Purification and identification of novel cytotoxic oligopeptides from soft coral Sarcophyton glaucum. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol), 20(1): 59-70 [Q3, IF: 1.879]

Song, S.L., Yong, H.S., Suana, I.W., Lim, P.E. & Eamsobhana, P. (2019). Complete mitochondrial genome of Dacus conopsoides (Insecta: Tephritidae) with tRNA gene duplication and molecular phylogeny of Dacini tribe. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 22:997–1003 [Q3, IF: 0.967]

Tajuddin, N., Idid, M.R., Convey, P. & Alias, S.A. (2019). Arrhenian growth thermodynamics in a marine-derived tropical Fusarium equiseti and polar Pseudogymnoascus spp. in a liquid culture system. Polar Science,20:55-62 [Q3, IF: 1.190]

Thong, C.H., Phang, S.M., Ng, F.L., Periasamy, V., Ling, T.C., Yunus, K. & Fisher, A.C. (2019). Effect of Different Irradiance Levels on Bioelectricity Generation from Algal Biophotovoltaic (BPV) Devices. Energy Science & Engineering. 7:2086–2097 [Q3, IF: 2.893]

Vaezzadeh, V., Zakaria, M.P., Bong, C.W., Masood, N., Magam, S.M. & Alkhadher, S. (2019). Mangrove oyster (Crassostrea belcheri) as a biomonitor species for bioavaliability of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from sediment of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. 39(5):470-485 [Q3, IF: 1.237]

Ward, G.M., Faisan Jr, J.P., Cottier-Cook, E.J., Gachon, C., Hurtado, A.Q., Lim, P.E., Matoju, I., Msuya, F.E., Bass, D. & Brodie, J. (2019). A review of reported seaweed diseases and pests in aquaculture in Asia. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society,1-14 [Q3, IF: 1.386]

Wong, H.J., Mohamad Fauzi, N., Idid, M.R., Convey, P. & Alias, S.A.(2019). Protective mechanisms and responses of micro-fungi towards ultravioletinduced cellular damage. Polar Science, 20:19-34 [Q3, IF: 1.190]

Yong W-K, Sim K-S, Poong S-W, Wei D, Phang S-M & Lim P-E (2019). Physiological and metabolic responses of Scenedesmus quadricauda (Chlorophyceae) to nickel toxicity and warming. 3 Biotech,9:315 [Q3, IF: 1.786]

Yong, H.S., Song, S.L., Eamsobhana, P., Pasartvit, A. & Lim, P.E. (2019). Differential abundance and core members of the bacterial community associated with wild male Zeugodacus cucurbitae fruit flies (Insecta: Tephritidae) from three geographical regions of Southeast Asia. Molecular Biology Reports, 46(4):3765-3776 [Q3, IF: 2.107]


Akhbari, A., Kutty, P.K., Chuen, O.C. & Ibrahim, S. (2019). A study of palm oil mill processing and environmental assessment of palm oil mill effluent treatment. Environmental Engineering Research, In Press [Q4, IF: 1.087]

Chanthran, S.S.D., Lim, P.E., Poong, S.W., Du, J. & Loh, K.H. (2019). Relationships between Sagittal otolith size and fish size of Terapon jarbua (Teleostei, Terapontidae) in Malaysian waters. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. Accepted [Q4]

Chu, C., Loh, K.H., Ng, C.C., Ooi, A.L., Konishi, Y., Huang, S.P. & Chong, V.C. (2019). Utilization of DNA Barcodes for the Identification of Larval Fishes in Tropical Estuarine Waters (Malacca Straits, Malaysia). Zoological Studies, 58: 0dd [Q4, IF: 0.726]

Din, S.S., Chew, K.W., Chang, Y.K., Show, P.L., Phang, S.M. & Juan, J.C. (2019). Extraction of agar from Eucheuma cottonii and Gelidium amansii seaweeds with sonication pretreatment using autoclaved method. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 37(3):871-880 [Q4, IF: 0.741]

Joo, E.C., Chiu, C.O., Yusoff, S. & Mohd, N.S. (2019). Life Cycle Assessment of Waste-to-Energy: Energy Recovery from Wood Waste in Malaysia. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 28(4):1-10 [Q4, IF: 1.186]

Mohamed Azroie, M.A., Lee, C.W. & Bong, C.W. (2019). Analysis of water treatment by Moringa oleifera bioflocculant prepared via supercritical fluid extraction. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 28(4):2995-3002 [Q4, IF: 1.186]

Pooveneswary, N., Abu Bakar, A.F., Bong, C.W., Lee, C.W., Wang, A.J., Amir Hassan, M.H., Yunus, R.M. & Zakaria, M.P. (2019). Contamination status and ecological risk of heavy metalin surface sediment of Kelantan river and its nearshore area, Malaysia. Water Supply (In press) [Q4, IF: 0.922]

Yong, W.K., Lim, P.E., Vello, V., Sim, K.S., Abdul Majid, N., Mustafa, E.M., Nik Sulaiman, N.M., Liew, K.E., Chen, B.J.T. & Phang, S.M. (2019). Metabolic and physiological regulation of Chlorella sp. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) under nitrogen deprivation. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,37(1):186–198 [Q4, IF: 0.741]

Zu, Y., Sun, S., Zhao, W., Li, P., Liu, B., Yue, F. & Abu Samah, A. (2019). Seasonal characteristics and formation mechanism of the thermohaline structure of mesoscale eddy in the South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(4):29-38 [Q4, IF: 0.699]

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