Published ISI Cited Publications
Impact factor
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Tier 1
Abu Bakar, N., Chung, B.L.Y., Karsani, S.A. & Alias, S.A. (2022). Protein homeostasis, regulation of energy production and activation of DNA damage-repair pathways are involved in the heat stress response of Pseudogymnoascus spp. Environmental Microbiology, 24(4):1849-1864
IF: 5.491
Alnahhal, A.M., Alengaram, U.J., Yusoff, S., Darvish, P., Srinivas, K. & Sumesh, M. (2022). Engineering performance of sustainable geopolymer foamed and non-foamed concretes. Construction and Building Materials, 316:125601
IF: 6.141
Bong, C.W., Low, K.Y., Chai, L.C. & Lee, C.W. (2022). Prevalence and diversity of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli from anthropogenic-impacted Larut River. Frontiers in Public Health, 10:794513
IF: 3.709
Chen, J.H., Wei, D., Lim, P.E., Xie, J. & Chen, W.N. (2022). Screening and effect evaluation of chemical inducers for enhancing astaxanthin and lipid production in mixotrophic Chromochloris zofingiensis. Journal of Applied Phycology, 34:159-176
IF: 3.215
Chow, C.H., Lin, Y.C., Cheah, W. & Tai, J.H. (2022). Injection of High Chlorophyll-aWaters by a Branch of Kuroshio Current into the Nutrient-Poor North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Remote Sensing, 14:1531
IF: 4.848
Gu, H., Wang, Y., Derrien, A., Herve, F., Wang, N., Pransilpa, M., Lim, P.T. & Leaw, C.P. (2022). Two toxigenic Ostreopsis species, O. cf. ovata and O. siamensis (Dinophyceae), from the South China Sea, tropical Western Pacific. Harmful Algae, 113:102206
IF: 4.273
Heng, H.W.K., Ooi, J.LS., Yang Amri, A., Abdul Adzis, K.A. & Ponnampalam, L.S. (2022). Dugong feeding grounds and spatial feeding patterns in subtidal seagrass: A case study at Sibu Archipelago, Malaysia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 264:107670
IF: 2.929
Lee, L.K., Neo, M.L., Lim, Z.F., Hii, K.S., Lim, H.C., Chan, A.A., Gu, H., Lim, P.T. & Leaw, C.P. (2022). Population status and genetic diversity of two endangered giant clams (Tridacna squamosa and Tridacna maxima) on the fringing reefs of Perhentian Islands, Malaysia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, published 6 April 2022
IF: 2.771
Lim, K.C., White, W.T., Then, A.Y.H., Naylor, G.J.P., Arunrugstichai, S. & Loh, K.H. (2022). Integrated Taxonomy Revealed Genetic Differences in Morphologically Similar and Non‐Sympatric Scoliodon macrorhynchos and S. laticaudus. Animals, 12:681
IF: 2.752
Liu, M., Krock, B., Yu, R., Leaw, C.P., Lim, P.T., Ding, G., Wang, N., Zheng, J. & Gu. H. (2022). Co-occurrence of Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyceae) ribotypes from the Chinese and Malaysian coastal waters and their toxin production. Harmful Algae, 115:102238
IF: 4.273
Mohd Din, M., Hii, K.S., Abdul-Wahab, M.F., Mohamad, S.E., Gu, H., Leaw, C.P. & Lim, P.T. (2022). Spatial-temporal variability of microphytoplankton assemblages including harmful microlagae in a tropical semi-enclosed strait (Johor Strait, Malaysia). Marine Environment Research, 175:105589
IF: 3.130
Nasrin, A.A., Abdul Raman, A.A., Bukhari, N.A., Sukiran, M.A., Buthiyappan, A., Subramaniam, V., Abdul Aziz, A. & Loh, S.K. (2022). A critical analysis on biogas production and utilisation potential from palm oil mill effluent. Journal of Cleaner Production, 132040
IF: 9.297
Sara, G., Mangano, M.C., Berlino, M., Corbari, L., Lucchese, M., Milisenda, G., Terzo, S., Azaza, M.S., Babarro, J.M.F., Bakiu, R., Broitman, B.R., Buschmann, A.H., Chrisfoletti, R., Deidun, A., Dong, Y., Galdies, J., Glamuzina, B., Luthman, O., Makridis, P., Nogueira, A.J.A., Palomo, M.G., Dineshram, R., Rilov, G., Sanchez-Jerez, P., Sevgili, H., Troell, M., AbouelFadl, K.Y., Azra, M.N., Britz, P., Brugere, C., Carrington, E., Celic, I, Choi, F., Qin, C., Dobroslavic, T., Galli, P., Giannetto, D., Grabrowskli, J., Lebata-Ramos, M.J.H., Lim, P.T., Liu, Y., Llorens, S.M., Maricchiolo, G., Mirto, S., Pecarevic, M., Ragg, N., Ravagnan, E., Saidi, Schultz, K., Shaltout, M., Solidoro, C., Tan, S.H., Thiyagarajan, V. & Helmuth, B. (2022). The Synergistic Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors and COVID-19 on Aquaculture: A Current Global Perspective. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 30(1):123-135
IF: 5.893
Su, G., Ong, H.C., Mohd Zulkifli, N.W., Ibrahim, S., Chen, W.H., Chong, C.T. & Ok, Y.S. (2022). Valorization of animal manure via pyrolysis for bioenergy: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 343:130965
IF: 9.297
Tan, P.L., Poong, S.W., Tan, J., Brakel, J., Gachon, C., Brodie, J., Sade, A. & Lim, P.E. (2022). Assessment of genetic diversity within eucheumatoid cultivars in east Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Applied Phycology, 34:709-717
IF: 3.215
Ward, G., Kambey, C., Faisan Jr. J., Tan, P.L., Daumich, C., Motoju, I., Stentiford, G., Bass, D., Lim, P.E., Brodie, J. & Poong, S.W. (2022). Ice-ice disease: An environmentally- and microbiologically-driven syndrome in tropical seaweed aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture, 14(1):414-439
IF: 10.592
Yoshikai, M., Nakamura, T., Suwa, R., Sharma, S., Rollon, R., Yasuoka, J., Egawa, R. & Nadaoka, K. (2022). Predicting mangrove forest dynamics across a soil salinity gradient using an individual-based vegetation model linked with plant hydraulics. Biogeosciences, 19:1813–1832
IF: 4.295
Tier 2
Abdo Alkhadher, S.A., Zakaria, M.P., Suratman, S., Alanazi, T.Y.A., Al-Bagawi, A.H., Magam, S.M., Masood, N., Abdul Kadir, A. & Al-Gheethi, A. (2022). Assessment of Sewage Molecular Markers in Port Dickson Coast and Kim Kim River with Sediment Linear Alkylbenzenes. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds.
IF: 3.744
Cheng, A., Noor Azmi, N.S., Ng, Y.M., Lesueur, D. & Yusoff, S. (2022). Appraising Agroecological Urbanism: A Vision for the Future of Sustainable Cities. Sustainability, 14(2):590
IF: 3.251
Kasavan, S., Siron,R., Yusoff, S. & Rahmat Fakri, M.F. (2022). Drivers of food waste generation and best practice towards sustainable food waste management in the hotel sector: a systematic review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
IF: 4.223
Lim, K.P., Lim, P.E., Yusoff, S., Sun, C., Ding, J. & Loh, K.H. (2022). A Meta-Analysis of the Characterisations of Plastic Ingested by Fish Globally. Toxics, 10:186
IF: 4.146
Lye, Y.L., Chai, L.C., Lee, C.W, Suzuki, S. & Bong, C.W. (2022). Microbial community structure and bacterial lineages associated with sulfonamides resistance in anthropogenic impacted Larut River. Water, 14:1018
IF: 3.103
Periasamy, V., Jaafar, M.M., Chandrasekaran, K., Talebi, S., Ng, F.L., Phang, S.M., Gnana kumar, G. & Iwamoto, M. (2022). Langmuir–Blodgett Graphene-Based Films for Algal Biophotovoltaic Fuel Cells. Nanomaterials, 12:840
IF: 5.076
Sharma, S., Suwa, R., Ray,R., Mandal, M.S.H. & Krauss, K.W. (2022). Successive Cyclones Attacked theWorld’s Largest Mangrove Forest Located in the Bay of Bengal under Pandemic. Sustainability, 14:5130
IF: 3.251
Tier 3
Lee, L.C., Rizman-Idid, M., Alias, S.A., Palaniveloo, K., Gu, H. (2022). First record of the fungal genus Neodevriesia Quaedvl. & Crous (Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Neodevriesiaceae) isolated from scleractinian corals of Perhentian Islands, Malaysia. Biodiversity Data Journal (accepted)
IF: 1.225
Ng, W.L., Chen, C.A., Mustafa, S., Leaw, C.P., Teng, S.T., Zakaria, S.N.F., Tuzan, A.D. & Chan, T.Y. (2022). A new record of the spiny lobster, Panulirus femoristriga (von Martens, 1872) from the coastal waters of Malaysia, with revision of global distribution. Biodiversity Data Journal, 10: e77973
IF: 1.225
Saravanan, J., Vignesh, A., Shah, S.S., Aziz, M.A., Pannipara, M., Al-Sehemi, A.G., Phang, S.M., Ng, F.L., Ahmed, B.A. & George Peter, G.K. (2022). Binder-less and free-standing Co-Fe metal nanoparticles decorated PVdF-HFP nanofiber membrane as an electrochemical probe for enzyme-less glucose sensors. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 48:101-116
IF: 2.914
Sharma, S., Suwa, R., Ray, R., Rozaimi, M., MacKenzie, R.A. & Nakaoka, M. (2022). Blue carbon studies in Asia-Pacific regions: Current status, gaps, and future perspectives. Ecological Research, 37:5-8
IF: 1.917
Tier 4
Thiang, E.L., Stanley, Chai C.Y., Lee, C.W., Takada, H., Wang, A.J., Chai, L.C. & Bong, C.W. (2021). Occurrence and Distribution of Tetracycline Antibiotic and Culturable Tetracycline Resistant Bacteria and Their Resistance Genes in Marine Aquaculture Farm of Peninsular Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 51(2):345-357
IF: 1.004