
Chapters - 2017

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Chapters - 2017

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Bong, C.W., Chai, L.C., Vahab, V. & Lee, C.W. (2017). Antibiotic residues and resistant bacteria in aquatic environment in Peninsular Malaysia. In Lim, P.T. & Phang, S.M. (Eds.). IOES HICoE Seminar 2017: Air-Ocean-Land Interactions. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (pp. 59-65). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. ISBN: 978-967-0380-97-1


Lim, J.H., Lee, C.W. & Bong, C.W. (2017). Investigating the marine microbial ecological processes in the west and east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. In Lim, P.T. & Phang, S.M. (Eds.). IOES HICoE Seminar 2017: Air-Ocean-Land Interactions. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (pp. 51-57). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. ISBN: 978-967-0380-97-1


K. Furuya, M. Iwataki, P. T.Lim, S. Lü, C.-P. Leaw, R. V. Azanza, H.-G. Kim, Y. Fukuyo. 2017. Overview of Harmful Algal Blooms in Asia. In. Gliber, P.M., Berdalet, E., Burford, M.A., Pitcher, G.C. & Zhou, M.J. (eds). Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms. Springer Ecological series.


E. Berdalet, R. Kudela, N. S. Banas, E. Bresnan, M. Burford, K. Davidson, C. J. Gobler, B. Karlson, P. T. Lim, L. Mackenzie, M. Montresor, V. L. Trainer, G. Usup, K. Yin, H. Enevoldsen, E. Urban. 2017. GlobalHAB: Fostering International Coordination on Harmful Algal Bloom Research in Aquatic Systems.  In. Gliber, P.M., Berdalet, E., Burford, M.A., Pitcher, G.C. & Zhou, M.J. (eds). Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms. Springer Ecological series


Lim, P.T., Law, I.K., Lau, W.L.S., Hii, K.S. & Leaw, C.P. (2017). Harmful Algal Bloom dynamics under a changing environment: a case study of Paralytic shellfish poisoning event at Tumpat estuary, Kelantan. In Lim, P.T. & Phang, S.M. (Eds.). IOES HICoE Seminar 2017: Air-Ocean-Land Interactions. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (pp. 39-48). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. ISBN: 978-967-0380-97-1


Alias, S.A., Idid, M.R. & Mohamad Fauzi, N. (2017). Polar soil microfungi - Potential responses to global change. In Lim, P.T. & Phang, S.M. (Eds.). IOES HICoE Seminar 2017: Air-Ocean-Land Interactions. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (pp. 84-92). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. ISBN: 978-967-0380-97-1


Alias, S.A. (2017). Microbial diversity from pole to pole: a fungal perspective. In Alias, S.A. (Ed.).(2017). Application of -Omics Technologies for Understanding Response to Environmental Stress. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences. (pp. 28-33). University of Malaya Press. ISBN: 978-967-0380-96-4


Zakaria, M.P., Bong, C.W. & Vaezzadeh, V. (2017). Fingerprinting of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Malaysia using Environmental Forensics Techniques: A 20-year field data. In Stout, S.A. & Wang, Z. (eds). Oil Spill Environmental Forensics Case Studies. pp 345-372. ISBN: 9780128044346


Abu Samah, A. & Chenoli, S. (2017). Understanding climate variability and climate change over South East Asia: Present and future. In Lim, P.T. & Phang, S.M. (Eds.). IOES HICoE Seminar 2017: Air-Ocean-Land Interactions. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (pp. 11-25). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. ISBN: 978-967-0380-97-1


Chenoli, S.N., Ooi, S.H., Abu Samah, A., Musiran, S.S., Ahmad Mazuki, M.Y. & Lim, C.H. (2017). Factors affecting heavy rainstorms that caused devastating flooding across the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia.  In Lim, P.T. & Phang, S.M. (Eds.). IOES HICoE Seminar 2017: Air-Ocean-Land Interactions. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (pp. 26-36). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. ISBN: 978-967-0380-97-1


Largo DB, Chung IK, Phang SM, Gerung GS, Sondak FA (2017). Impacts of climate change on Eucheuma-Kappaphycus Farming.  In: Tropical Seaweed Farming Trends, Problems and Opportunities (Eds) HurtadoAQ, Critchley AT, Neish IC. Developments in Applied Phycology 9; p. 121-129. Springer Ecological series. ISBN: 978-3-319-63497-5


Tan, J., Lim, P.E., Phang, S.M. & Hurtado, A.Q. (2017). Biodiverity, Biogeography and Molecular Genetics of the Commercially Important Genera Kapaphycus and Eucheuma.  In: Tropical Seaweed Farming Trends, Problems and Opportunities (Eds) HurtadoAQ, Critchley AT, Neish IC. Developments in Applied Phycology 9; p. 29-43. Springer Ecological series. ISBN: 978-3-319-63497-5


Lim, P.E., Poong, S.W., Barati, B., Lai, J.W.S., Lee, K.K., Muniandy, S., Thian, S.K., Olayiwola, S.A.A., Yong, W.K., Tan, Y.H., Pai, T.W., Chen, C.M., Yang, C.H., Liu, C.C., Sim, K.S., Wong, C.Y, Beardall, J. & Phang, S.M. (2017). Understanding the response and acclimation of algae to various environmental changes in the context of physiological and molecular mechanisms. In Lim, P.T. & Phang, S.M. (Eds.). IOES HICoE Seminar 2017: Air-Ocean-Land Interactions. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (pp. 94-105). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. ISBN: 978-967-0380-97-1


Phang, S.M., Keng, F.S.L., Mithoo Singh, P.K., Lim, Y.K., Punitha, T., Juan, J.C., Abd Rahman, N., Leedham, E.C., Sturges, W.T., Malin, G., Robinson, A.D., Pyle, J.A. & Harries, N.R.P. (2017).Marine biogenic emissions of halocarbons and their contribution to climate change. In Lim, P.T. & Phang, S.M. (Eds.). IOES HICoE Seminar 2017: Air-Ocean-Land Interactions. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (pp. 67-81). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. ISBN: 978-967-0380-97-1

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