
Chapters - 2008

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Chapters - 2008

1 ___ Hanafi Hussin (2008) Magpaii-Bahau: Reunion Between Living and Dead among Bajau Community of Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia. In Hanafi Hussin, MCM Santa Maria, Abraham Sakili, Paul H. Mason (eds) Southeast Asian Religion, Culture and Art of the Sea, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences Monograph No. 6, University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur. ISBN: 978-967-5148-19-4. P23-38
2 Hanafi Hussin and MCM Santamaria(2008) Between Two Seas: Integrative Elements in the Pagkanduli Ritual of the Sama Dilaut (Bajau Laut) of Sitangkai. In Hanafi Hussin, MCM Santa Maria, Abraham Sakili, Paul H. Mason (eds) Southeast Asian Religion, Culture and Art of the Sea, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences Monograph No. 6, University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur. ISBN: 978-967-5148-19-4. P39-64
3 Mary George (2008) The role of IMO Resolutions in Ocean law and policy in the Asia Pacific. In Asian Yearbook of International Law Vol: 13, Routledge, Taylor & Francis. ISBN: 0-415-47019-6. P127-158
4 Mohammad Raduan Bin Mohd Ariff (2008) Rancangan Perpindahan Penduduk Kampung Air Ke Tanah Daratan Di Sarawak: Kajian Kes Kampung Bako, Kuching. In Kampung Ayer: Warisan Hidup, Cabaran dan Kesinambungan. Akademi Pengajian Brunei, Universiti Brunei Darussalam. ISBN 978-999-1712-29-1
5 Mohammad Raduan Bin Mohd Ariff (2008) Penglibatan Buruh Perikanan Filipina dalam Perusahaan Perikanan Pukat Tunda di Kudat, Sabah. In Borneo-Kalimantan 2008. Transformasi Sosial Masyarakat Perdesaan dan Pesisr Borneo-Kalimantan: Isu-isinua. Institut Pengajian Asia Timur, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. ISBN: 978-983-9257-52-6. P262-271
6 Mohammad Raduan Bin Mohd Ariff (2008) Kampung Air Pulau Gaya: Kampung Warisan. In Kampung Ayer: Warisan Hidup, Cabaran dan Kesinambungan. Akademi Pengajian Brunei, Universiti Brunei Darussalam. ISBN 978-999-1712-29-1
7 Ismail Ali and Mohammad Raduan Mohd Ariff (2008) Outrigger-Canoe: A Re-evaluation on the Origin and Culture History in the Archipelago from the Perspective of Austronesian Migration and Cultural Diffusion Theory by Peter Bellwood. In Hanizah Idris, Tan Wan Him, Mohammad Radzuan Mohd Ariff (eds) Maritime Social and Economic Developments in Southeast Asia. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences Monograph No. 4, University of Malaya. ISBN 978-967-5148-10-1. P47-60.
8 Phang SM, Lewmanomont K, Prathep A, Largo D, Abdullah S A, Abdul Han N, Lim WL, Nam HS, Andriana R, Pongparadon S, Lim PE and Yeong HY (2008). Some Chlorophyta of Southeast Asia, with one new record of Caulerpa for Malaysia and Indonesia. In: Phang SM, Lewmanomont K, Lim PE (eds) Taxonomy of Southeast Asian Seaweeds. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya Monograph Series 2. p27-32.
9 Kim MS, Lim PE and Phang SM (2008). Taxonomic notes on Malaysia Neopsiphonia and Polysiphonia (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta). In: Phang SM, Lewmanomont K, Lim PE (eds) Taxonomy of Southeast Asian Seaweeds. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya Monograph Series 2. p33-44.
10 Phang SM, Wong CL, Ng WS and Sim MC (2008). Checklist of Malaysian Sargassum species In Phang SM, Lewmanomont K, Lim PE (eds) Taxonomy of Southeast Asian Seaweeds. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya Monograph Series 2. p83-103
11 Wong CL, Ng WS and Phang SM (2008).Taxonomic notes on Sargassum species (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) from Malaysia. In Phang SM, Lewmanomont K, Lim PE (eds) Taxonomy of Southeast Asian Seaweeds. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya Monograph Series 2. p105-145.
12 Andriana R, Yeong HY, Mustafa EM, Lim PE, Gerung GS, Ng WS and Phang SM (2008). Some Marine Algae from Bali and Lombok, Indonesia In Phang SM, Lewmanomont K, Lim PE (eds) Taxonomy of Southeast Asian Seaweeds. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya Monograph Series 2. p179-194.
13 Phang SM, Wong CL, Yeong HY and Masuda M. 2008. Marine algae of Pulau Tioman, East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. In Phang SM, Amri AY, Ooi LSJ and Mydin HAJ (eds). Natural history of the Pulau Tioman group of Islands. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya Monograph Series 1. p19-34.
14 Phang SM, Chu WL, Wong CY, Teoh ML, Tan KP & Lee HK. 2008. A Checklist of Microalgal Isolates from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard. In: Azzolini R, (Ed.) Polarnet Technical Report PTR-1/2008: P11-14
15 Lim PE, Kawai H, Phang SM (2008). Some Ralfsiales from Malaysia. In Phang SM, Lewmanomont K, Lim PE (eds) Taxonomy of Southeast Asian Seaweeds. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya Monograph Series 2. P77-81.
16 Roslan Hashim, Noraini, M.T. Rozainah Zakaria, Babak Kamali, Oswin Stanley (2008) Application of Engineering Techniques for Coastal Rehabilitation Work. In The South China Sea: Sustaining Ocean Productivities. Maritime Communities and the Climate, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya. P25-29.

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