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Salam Sejahtera


With great pleasure, the Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration, cordially invites you to the following webinar:


Creating Fiscal Space for Social Protection


By Dr. Taneem Muzaffar


23 October 2020 (Friday) at 2.45 pm


Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/mnd-xrcj-wqg






It is often argued that financing social protection is not affordable for developing countries or that it is inevitable to reduce government expenditures on social sectors during adjustment periods. This is often rationalised against the backdrop of high or rising fiscal deficits and public debt. However, there are alternatives available in the developing countries. Country practices from different parts of the world reveal that there are several options available to expand fiscal space and generate resource for social investments. The eight options this presentation illustrates are supported by policy statements of the United Nations agencies. These strategies for domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) combine both traditional and innovative sources of finance to address the vital social investment gaps.



Short Bio


Dr. Taneem received his academic training in Economics and Finance in Bangladesh, the United Kingdom, and Australia. He is currently working as an economist and consultant for the International Labour Organization. His key research interests include macroeconomic policies, commodity and financial markets, social protection and economic development. Prior to joining the ILO, Taneem spent around 7 years in Bangladesh and 8 year in Australia, teaching courses in economics and finance in academic institutions. He possesses both qualitative and quantitative analytical skills and received extensive training on analysing economic and financial data using advanced econometric and statistical software programmes such as STATA, SPSS and EViews at the University of Sydney and the University of Queensland, Australia. His research articles have been published in established international refereed journals such as Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, World Economy, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Forecasting, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, South African Journal of Economics, and Economic and Labour Relations Review.

Last Updated: 22/10/2020