The Faculty has appointed foreign external assessors to provide an independent and non-biased evaluation of the structure and contents of its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
PROGRAMME MASTER OF ECONOMICS | Professor Dr. Euston Quah Professor of Environment Economics and Cost-Benefit Analysis Head, Division of Economics Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
MASTER OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES | Professor Dr. NIAZ AHMED KHAN Senior Academic Advisor and Professor and former Chair, Department of Development Studies, Dhaka University |
MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINSTRATION | Professor Dr. Mark R. Thompson Head and Professor of Politics, Department of Asian and International Studies (AIS) City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR |
MASTER OF APPLIED STATISTICS | Professor Dr. Rahul Mukherjee Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Joka, Diamond Harbour Road Kolkata 700 104, India |