
Programme External Assessors

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Programme External Assessors

The Faculty has appointed foreign external assessors to provide an independent and non-biased evaluation of the structure and  contents of its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

PROGRAMME MASTER OF ECONOMICS Professor Dr. Euston Quah Professor of Environment Economics and Cost-Benefit Analysis Head, Division of Economics Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
MASTER OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Professor Dr. NIAZ AHMED KHAN Senior Academic Advisor and Professor and former Chair, Department of Development Studies, Dhaka University
MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINSTRATION Professor Dr. Mark R. Thompson Head and Professor of Politics, Department of Asian and International Studies (AIS) City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR
MASTER OF APPLIED STATISTICS Professor Dr. Rahul Mukherjee Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Joka, Diamond Harbour Road Kolkata 700 104, India
Last Updated: 26/03/2021