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The history of the Faculty started with the establishment of the Department of Economics within the Faculty of Arts, University of Malaya in 1959. The Faculty of Economics and Administration (FEA) was founded in May 1966 to meet the nation’s growing demand for a professional workforce. Beginning with just 14 students and three academic personnel, headed by Royal Professor Ungku Aziz, FEA has evolved into a flourishing academic community of 1495 students, and 50 academic staff, among them professors and lecturers with international reputation in their respective fields. Drawing on the strength of four departments; Economics, Administrative Studies and Politics, Development Studies and Applied Statistics, FEA currently offers the Bachelor of Economics degree, and seven programmes at the postgraduate level, Master of Economics, Master of Public Administration, Master of Applied Statistics, Master of Development Studies, Master of Research in Economics, Master of Research in Public Administration and Doctor of Philosophy.


To advance academic excellence in the fields of economics and administration.


 To realize the Vision of the University to be an education and research centre of excellence for knowledge creation and dissemination through teaching, learning and research in the fields of economics and administration.

Last Updated: 15/04/2021