
COVID-19: Myths or Facts

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With great pleasure, the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administration, cordially invites you to the following event:



COVID-19: Myths or Facts


Date: 1st March 2021 (Monday) 


Time: 2.00pm

Link to Webinar: https://zoom.us/j/99541087099


Dr. Mario Ruiz Arturo Estrada

Visiting Senior Research Fellow

Social Security Research Centre (SSRC), UM




This webinar presents different results about the COVID-19 global crisis from economic, business, development, technological, and mathematically. We try to summarize different results from a large number of research papers published and unpublished about the COVID-19. The main objective is to evaluate various issues that we need to know about COVID-19 to understand better this global pandemic and its socio-economic-political impact on Malaysia and globally. Finally, the same webinar tries to open an in-depth discussion and critical thinking about COVID-19.      


About the speaker:

Mario Arturo Ruiz Estrada is currently a researcher at the Social Security Research Centre (SSRC) in the University of Malaya (UM), which he joined in March 2017. His main research fields are economic modelling and policy modelling. His research, which has been published extensively in different academic journals and monographs.


We look forward to welcoming you to this webinar and thank you for your kind attention.

Thank you.

Last Updated: 09/02/2021