Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera
With great pleasure, the Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration, cordially invites you to the following webinar:
Conspicuous Consumption and Crime Intention:
Mediating Role of Love of Money
Date: 28 April 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 10.00am
Link to Webinar:
Dr. Nur Annizah Ishak
Department of Development Studies
Faculty of Economics & Administration
The general objective of this study is to examine the relationship between income inequality and crime. Many studies have discussed the relationship between inequality and crime, but all only focused on ‘absolute’ measurements - income, poverty, Gini index, education, and employment, while neglecting the importance of ‘relative concept’. This research examines the nexus of inequality and crime using alternative measures of income inequality - the ‘Conspicuous Consumption’ and further assesses the mediating role of Love of Money on crime intention. The paper surveyed 811 public service employees and utilised SEM to assess the links. The findings suggest three important outcomes. First, higher conspicuous consumption attitude leads to higher propensity to commit a crime, particularly through social comparison. Second, the love of money positively and significantly influences crime intention, that is higher commitment to unethical behavior as a result of utility. Finally, the love of money significantly mediates the links between conspicuous consumption and propensity to crime. This paper provides evident income inequality is visible through conspicuous consumption, as another possible channel could explain the relationship between inequality and crime
About the speaker:
Nur Annizah Ishak is currently a Lecturer at the Department of Development Studies, FEA. Her research interests include economic development, sociology, poverty and inequality.
We look forward to welcoming you to this webinar and thank you for your kind attention.
Thank you.