Ungku Aziz Centre for Development Studies, Universiti Malaya is pleased to invite you to
UAC Research Pillar 2 – Poverty and Sustainable Development
Income and Religiosity: The Dual Escape Hypothesis
3rd December 2020
10.00 am - 11.30 am
Microsoft Teams
The purpose of this seminar is to provide a platform for academics, development practitioners, policymakers, NGO's stakeholders and CPDS Research Grant 2018 recipients to share their works and ideas on their research findings and issues that are relevant to the UAC's aims and objectives.
The theme for this webinar is based on UAC Research Pillar 2 on Poverty and Sustainable Development: To understand and search for compatible frameworks between development targets such as growth, poverty eradication, the provision of basic needs, employment creation, equity and distribution, while sustaining the environment for future generations and to design appropriate policy measures for social transformation and managing sustainability.
This webinar is also an initiative under the Centre's Core Programme aim to transform all its research-related activities into the virtual platform by following new normal practices.
Please confirm your attendance by registering at
The link to the webinar will be sent to your registered email address. For further information about the Centre, please visit our official website at ungkuazizcentre.um.edu.my, email at syukran@um.edu.my or contact us at +603 7967 3735.
We look forward to welcoming you to this lecture and thank you for your kind attention.
Thank you.
Nov 20, 2020 10.00 AM - 11.30 AM Ungku Aziz Centre for Development Studies, Universiti Malaya Microsoft Teams