Greetings from FEA
With great pleasure, the Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya cordially invites you to the following seminar:
Technological Capability and Inter-organizational Collaboration in an Emerging Economy
Rajenthyran Ayavoo (Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester)
On 3rd December 2019 (Tuesday), 11 am - 1230pm
Venue: Postgraduate Conference Room, Level 3, Postgraduate Building, Faculty of Economics and Administration
Free Admission
Rajenthyran Ayavoo*
*Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester, Booth St W, Manchester M15 6PB, UK. Email:
03 December 2019, 11 am – 12.30 pm; Post Graduate Meeting Room, 3rd Floor Block H12, FEA, UM
Technological capability (TC) of emerging economies firms is recognized as one of the most valuable resources that provide sustainable competitive advantages. Technical advancement is a key driving force and an important source of economic and social development. Besides, technology has become the driving force of competition in the market around the globe. Although the development of TC has been studied in a large body of literature, TC building in emerging economies are not clearly understood, and more recently by Tumelero et al. (2018) and Hansena and Lema (2019), in particular, found how firms build TC remain to be studied. Studies that examined the relationship between inter-organizational collaboration (IOC) and TC are scarce. My research employed a mixed-method approach involving firm-level data from 445 Malaysian manufacturing firms and 17 in-depth interviews with manufacturing firms’ senior managers and policymakers. The study revealed that IOC for innovation plays an important role in firms’ TC building in emerging economies. Both IOC-breadth and IOC-depth are important collaboration strategies, especially IOC-depth, with customers, suppliers, and consultants as the most important partners for TC development. IOC-depth for universities and government research institutions is relatively weak, and for competitors and private research institutes is inadvisable due to risks associated with unplanned knowledge spillovers. The research findings will enable to map relevant policy implications in Malaysia and even in other developing countries.
Keywords: Technological capability, Inter-Organizational Collaboration, Emerging economies, Innovation.
About the speaker:
Rajenthyran Ayavoo is an experienced Malaysian academician with research interest in innovation policy, technological capability, and resources management. He completed his PhD study in 2018 from the University of Manchester. Since 2018, he holds the position as Doctoral fellow at Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIOIR), Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS). He has worked in various projects and placements (as Head of the Projects, and Research Associate) at The University of Manchester from 2014-2019. Recently, he has published a paper in the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge (Scopus indexed). He has vast academic experience lecturing undergraduate and master degree students on various courses on innovation policy, technological management, administration, and development studies in Alliance Manchester Business School and Singapore campus. He also has over 4 years of industrial experience in a financial institution from 2010-2014 in Malaysia.
Apr 28, 2021 10.00 AM - 12.30 PM Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya. Postgraduate Conference Room, Level 3, Postgraduate Building, Faculty of Economics and Administration