With great pleasure, the Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration, cordially invites you to the following new academic candidate webinar:
Knowledge Management System in Support of Disaster Management:
An Action Research Project in Malaysia
Date: 3rd May 2021 (Monday)
Time: 3.00pm – 5.00pm
Venue: Google Meet
Link to Webinar: meet.google.com/
Professor Ts. Dr. Murali Raman
Disasters are either man-made or largely due to the forces of nature. Our research over the last decade suggests that relevant information should be included in disaster management systems, to aid proper planning and response efforts. Responders must have sufficient information to guide the decision-making processes in responding to disasters. The system should somehow be able to capture both tacit and explicit knowledge about how prior disaster situations were dealt with. Lessons, which are learned, can be used to guide future action. The system should also consider situational context in which such systems are implemented. The design of any disaster management system should support some form of organizational memory component, a vital aspect of knowledge management. This presentation showcases our prior work in designing, developing, and implementing knowledge management systems to support disaster management. The speaker will share his experiences from both the USA and Malaysia on how knowledge-based systems can support disaster management efforts—taking stakeholder diversity, infrastructure, system platforms, process structure, key challenges, and therefore lessons learned through our intervention. Canonical Action Research was used as the methodology to guide the project. An extended case study from Malaysia is then shared. The Malaysian research and project involved CEMAS—a Community Emergency Management System, where a more robust web-based KM system was developed and tested in aid of disaster management efforts in Malaysia.
About the speaker:
Professor Ts. Dr. Murali Raman is both a Rhodes Scholar and Fulbright fellow. His academic credentials include a PhD from SISAT, Claremont, USA; MBA (Imperial College, London); MSc Human Resources (London School of Economics, UK). He is a first-class honours student from Universiti Malaya (FEA). His research interest area is within the domain of IT Management (Policy, Strategy, and Institutional Intervention). Dr. Murali and his research team has secured close to RM1.5 Million in grant funding over the last five years. He was affiliated to Stanford’s Technology Venture Program as a Faculty Fellow where he continues to discuss issues surrounding creating a vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem and application of innovative thinking via D-Principles in Malaysia. He is a Stanford certified Design Thinker. He has published more than 85 papers in International Journals, Conferences, book chapters and industry papers and has won numerous awards in recognition of his leadership in his field. Among the mare; European Champion for Knowledge Management Systems, 2019, Lisbon Portugal; Outstanding Academic Leadership Award in Malaysia – 2016 EDUCOOP for IT Management; Innovation Gold Medallist, iCAN, Canada, 2019; Innovation Gold Medallist for 21st Century Teaching, 2019, Sri Lanka; World Innovation Award – Seoul, Korea – 2015; Anugerah Pencipta Negara – Gold Medal and the Golden Globe Tiger Awards – for Outstanding Academic Leadership. He is also the CEO of the Sathya Sai Academy for Human Values — an NGO dedicated to promoting human values through various programs.
Free Admission. All are welcome.
For enquiries: Please contact soniakumari@um.edu.my
We look forward to welcoming you to this webinar and thank you for your attention.
May 03, 2021 03.00 PM - 05.00 PM epartment of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration, UM Google Meet