
1st Tun Ismail Ali Chair Signature Series

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1st Tun Ismail Ali Chair Signature Series

Guest Speaker: Professor Dr. Charles Goodhart
Charles Goodhart, CBE, FBA is Emeritus Professor of Banking and Finance with the Financial Markets Group at the LSE, having previously, 1987-2005, been its Deputy Director. Until retirement in 2002, he had been the Norman Sosnow Professor of Banking and Finance at LSE since 1985. Previously, he had worked at the Bank of England for seventeen years as a monetary adviser, becoming a Chief Adviser in 1980. In 1997 he was appointed one of the outside independent members of the Bank of England's new Monetary Policy Committee until May 2000. Earlier he had taught at Cambridge and LSE. Besides numerous articles, he wrote a couple of books on monetary history; a graduate monetary textbook, 'Money, Information and Uncertainty' (2nd Ed. 1989); two collections of papers on monetary policy, 'Monetary Theory and Practice' (1984) and 'The Central Bank and The Financial System' (1995); and several books and articles on Financial Stability, on which subject he was Adviser to the Governor of the BoE, 2002-2004, and numerous other studies relating to financial markets, monetary policy and history. His books include 'The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: A History of the Early Years, 1974-1997', (2011), 'The Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis', (2009), and recently 'The Great Demographic Reversal: Ageing Societies, Waning Inequality, and an Inflation Revival', (2020).

Moderator & Discussant: Tan Sri Andrew Sheng
Tan Sri Andrew Sheng - Andrew Sheng is Pro-Chancellor of Bristol University and Distinguished Fellow, Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong, as well as Chairman, George Town Institute of Open and Advanced Studies, Wawasan Open University, Malaysia. He has a First Class Honours in Economics from Bristol University, and Honorary Doctorates from University of Bristol and University of Malaya. He is also Adjunct Professor at the Tsinghua University and University of Malaya. A former central banker and financial regulator, he currently writes on financial and economic issues for AsiaNewsNet and Project Syndicate, as well as Caijing and Caixin magazines in China.




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Nov 09, 2020 06.00 PM - 07.30 PM Tun Ismail Ali Chair, FEA, UM Zoom