• Department of Physics
  • ketua_fizik@um.edu.my
  • 03-7967 4206


Optical Astronomy Research Laboratory (OpARL) is one of the research laboratories under the Department of Physics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. This laboratory was created in October 1998 by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Zambri Zainuddin. At that time the laboratory only has a senior lab assistant and a few final year project students. The equipment that is used was donated by an association from Japan and three manual telescopes and a 14” Celestron telescope.
Until 2015, the equipment in this laboratory was upgraded due to the advancement in the recent research of astronomy. A complex of an observatory was built in 2006 which located near the Akademi Pengajian Melayu (Academy of Malay Studies) and consisted of a stellar observatory (An-Najm Observatory) and solar observatory (As-Syam Observatory). The observatories are equipped with a 14” Celestron telescope and two 6” Takahashi telescopes both attached to the robotic Paramount ME mounting respectively.
The students in this laboratory are the final year project students from the Department of Physics and the Academy of Islamic Studies (Islamic Astronomy Program), Masters (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).


The research is mainly focused in the field of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Atmospheric Physics. Collaborations with government agencies such as Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM), Department of Mufti of Negeri Sembilan, Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (MAINS) and also National Space Agency (ANGKASA) are also conducted.

Research Project

Spectroscopy and Photometry Study • Crescent Moon Visibility Study • Review of Moon Phases • Atmospheric Distinction Study • Sky Brightness Study • Seeing Condition • Study on Sun Refraction • Sunspots & Solar Flares • Deep Sky Imaging •

Observation Sites

  1. Langkawi National Observatory

  2. Telok Kemang Observatory, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan

  3. Al-Khawarizmi Observatory, Kg. Balik Batu, Tg. Bidara Melaka

  4. Space Physic Laboratory Observatory, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur


Head of Research Laboratory
Dr. Nazhatulshima Ahmad
Optical Astronomy Research Laboratory (OpARL), Makmal Fizik Angkasa, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya.
Phone: +03-7967 4100

For further information, please visit the website by clicking the logo/ link below. 


Last Update: 04/01/2023